Eup/clothing blacklist

I need some help with my server EUP. I recently added some clothing I don’t want the civs having access to. I also found a pretty cool script but its for ESX or QB Core and i need a standalone here the lua for reference

Config.Blacklist = {
male = {
hair = {
drawables = {15}
components = {
masks = {
drawables = {10, 11, 12, 13}
drawables = {14},
textures = {5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13}
upperBody = {},
lowerBody = {},
bags = {},
shoes = {},
scarfAndChains = {
drawables = {5, 6, 7},
aces = {“vip”}
shirts = {},
bodyArmor = {},
decals = {},
jackets = {},
props = {
hats = {},
glasses = {},
ear = {},
watches = {},
bracelets = {}
female = {
components = {
masks = {},
upperBody = {},
lowerBody = {},
bags = {},
shoes = {},
scarfAndChains = {},
shirts = {},
bodyArmor = {},
decals = {},
jackets = {}
props = {
hats = {},
glasses = {},
ear = {},
watches = {},
bracelets = {}

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