EUP 9.3.1 (Official) [FREE] (With Addon option) (UPDATE) 9.4 (soon)

ok inded

EUP 9.5 or whatever version isn’t publicly available to everyone yet, the EUP Team has it in there discord and the only way of getting the EUP is buying access to either the Patreon Officer tier or the Patreon Sergeant/Detective tiers on their patreon.

“for the addon version”

Hi! First thank you, and second I have a question about this eup 9.3.1. What the “addon option” mean? This means the default clothes of GTA is kept and all EUP clothes are addons right?

Yup thats correct

Did you fix it yet you wank?

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Can’t wait for the addon hat update.

Still waiting for the hat update.

Hi… i have a problem with Addon Version. Some of the bottom clothes (pants) just dont load… the textures are bugged. Pretty same thing with hats. I just dont have them on server.

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There are a couple of issues causing hair to clip into hats with the addon version, they’re fairly easily fixable but I’ll send the OP updated versions of the files needing changed.

One line needs to be changed in each of the male and female .meta files. This will fix the loading of creatureMetaData, without it the game won’t read the ExpressionMods property within .ymt files.

Change line 7 to: <creatureMetaData>MP_CreatureMetadata_mp_m_emergency</creatureMetaData>

Change line 7 to: <creatureMetaData>MP_CreatureMetadata_mp_f_emergency</creatureMetaData>

Now the ‘mp_m_freemode_01_mp_m_emergency.ymt’ and ‘mp_f_freemode_01_mp_f_emergency.ymt’ files need to be modified with YMTEditor, change the first ExpressionMods property to -0.5 for all of the P_HEAD prop entries.

If you’re not familiar with correcting hats/heels with YMTEditor follow this tutorial by grzybeek: [How-To] Create addon heels OR hide hair with addon hat

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Hey thanks, ill get on fixing this

any update on the fix?

really cool thanks boris

Thank you its amazing <3

I hope you can update this

heya, does this need patreon subscription? Thanks for the answer.

No all should be good as long as your under 10 playerslots

when will by released version 9.4 ?


Any plans to make eup menu configuration