[EU/UK] British RolePlay | Serious Roleplay | Custom Cars | Drugs | Gangs | Properties | Jobs | EMS | Police || Hiring!

New British Roleplay Server - We are Hiring Whitelisted Job Staff.


  • Custom Cars
  • Active Staff & Developers
  • Many ways to make money
  • Almost Constant Expansion
  • Open to Suggestions
  • Growing Community


  • Police
  • EMS
  • Miner
  • Custom Gangs
  • Mechanic
  • More Coming Soon! (Estate Agent, Fisherman, Lumberjack, Banker etc.)

We are currently expanding however we will need ideas from the community to do this and are trying to grow our community. If you would like to join the Discord to look at the server, apply for a whitelisted job or start your RolePlay experience, the link is below.
This is a great place to start off your journey into a Roleplay community and with your suggestions of what we could add to the server we could become a big RP community.

If you would like any more info, hit up our Discord and speak to our staff:

Discord: Discord