ESX_Weaponshop - Add ammo

Hey there. Im using ESX_Weaponshop and its working good, but im thinking about how i can add pistolammo for players to buy?

would really appreciate some help here. Here is my SQL file and how its setup;

INSERT INTO weashops (zone, item, price) VALUES
(‘GunShop’,‘WEAPON_PISTOL’, 350),
(‘BlackWeashop’,‘WEAPON_PISTOL’, 500),
(‘GunShop’, ‘WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT’, 60),
(‘BlackWeashop’, ‘WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT’, 70),
(‘GunShop’, ‘WEAPON_MACHETE’, 140),
(‘BlackWeashop’, ‘WEAPON_MACHETE’, 110),
(‘GunShop’, ‘WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK’, 120),
(‘BlackWeashop’, ‘WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK’, 150),
(‘GunShop’, ‘WEAPON_BAT’, 100),
(‘BlackWeashop’, ‘WEAPON_BAT’, 100),
(‘BlackWeashop’, ‘WEAPON_STUNGUN’, 50),
(‘BlackWeashop’, ‘WEAPON_MICROSMG’, 1700),
(‘BlackWeashop’, ‘WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN’, 3500),
(‘BlackWeashop’, ‘WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE’, 11000),
(‘BlackWeashop’, ‘WEAPON_SPECIALCARBINE’, 16500),
(‘BlackWeashop’, ‘WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE’, 24000),
(‘BlackWeashop’, ‘WEAPON_FIREWORK’, 20000),
(‘BlackWeashop’, ‘WEAPON_GRENADE’, 650),
(‘BlackWeashop’, ‘WEAPON_BZGAS’, 350),
(‘BlackWeashop’, ‘WEAPON_FIREEXTINGUISHER’, 100),
(‘BlackWeashop’, ‘WEAPON_BALL’, 50),
(‘BlackWeashop’, ‘WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE’, 100),
(‘BlackWeashop’, ‘WEAPON_APPISTOL’, 1100),
(‘BlackWeashop’, ‘WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE’, 12000),
(‘BlackWeashop’, ‘WEAPON_HEAVYSNIPER’, 30000),
(‘BlackWeashop’, ‘WEAPON_MINIGUN’, 45000),
(‘BlackWeashop’, ‘WEAPON_RAILGUN’, 50000),
(‘BlackWeashop’, ‘WEAPON_STICKYBOMB’, 500)

as you can see i have usual shops to only sell some melees and pistols. But i need to add that damn ammo!

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either you create a “clip” item on you sql data base or try this script:

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What you can do is created a new Shop and put it in the Ammunation .
So that people can buy the clip .

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how to add items in ammunation?

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doesnt work for me :C tried adding to the shops and downloading the clip, adding to sql nothing is working

1st please check that the script is running or not.
then cofirm that an item called “clip” is added in your items table in the database.
then use following command
/giveitem 1 clip 5
make sure you are using esx.

yup tried that adding clip that item doesn’t exsist and yes i added it in the sql

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this is almost a year old topic… will delete.