[ESX] Weapon/Medical Prescriptions

:star: Features

:rocket: Easily configurable
:mag: Now you can let your ambulance job (or others) prescribe weapon/fish/medical licenses


  • 0.00ms | Idle and In Usage


  • Choose which job is allowed for the prescription
  • Add new license prescriptions, medicine prescription and medicines
  • You can edit licenses and medicines metadata
  • Add more peds where you are able to buy medicines

This is the config.lua

:boom: Dependency

:clapper: Youtube
:shopping_cart: Waiting for actions

Code is accessible Some parts
Subscription-based Yes
Lines (approximately) 500+
Requirements Above
Support Yes
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Wow, if you’re gonna rip off my work, at least change my metadata descriptions… 0/10 plagiary…

Flagged and reported, thanks for making it so easy :slight_smile:

I know it’s like your but someone asked me to recreate it. I wrote it from 0 what the flag is for? I didn’t steal your script :+1:

Same idea, yes. Same string, yes. Different code, yes.

The customer asked me to use same metadata, it’s just a string!

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and thats where you went wrong wasnt your code that you used

plus your mass selling it rather than how you claim “made for customer” now you selling to public :melting_face:

The code is mine. I prove it to him :joy: I didn’t stole his code, I can prove it also to CFX staff.
I have just recreated the design and the string cause customer asked. But everyone can do it.

I already flagged this post. We are waiting for actions. If there will be, we will close the post.

You were 100% right if I stole the code but I didn’t.

People can decide to buy the one from envi. I don’t force anyone.

Imagine if I post this for free? Who can tell me something?:ok_man:t2:

Can this post be closed? I already flagged

this not for sale?

No because i recreated from scratch the Envi one and we decided that it’s not right selling something that’s not original :+1:t3:

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