ESX/vRP hunger, thirst, and drunk bars

gives an error in survival modules

can you send me a link of the vrp you downloaded

this is not the new one, its old and its not supported in this script, sorry :confused:

nah im good, made it myself instead :smiley:


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Good job man

um my bar not show anything it empty
thinking i should change something ?
something wrong ? :frowning:

Did you put the esx_ladderhud:updateBasics in esx_status?

Are you using esx or vrp

Yes i do it already :sweat:
I Use esx

Can you send me a screenshot of the main.lua in esx_status or maybe a pastebin
Of the line that you changed

I try add this in client.lua ladderhud

 for i=1, #basics, 1 do
        if basics[i].name == 'hunger' then
            hunger = basics[i].percent
        elseif  basics[i].name == 'thirst' then
            thirst = basics[i].percent

It alway full bar

I add
TriggerEvent(ā€˜esx_status:onTickā€™, GetStatusData(true))
TriggerEvent(ā€˜esx_ladderhud:updateBasicsā€™, GetStatusData(true))

i think you have done a mistake, look do you have any changes in your main.lua ? if you dont have changes im gonna send you mine and replace it with yours

I dont know what it wrong i try download you main file in topic it not work same
Maybe you can sent file to me

Sorry for bad english

ok, re-download the hud and replace it with the previous one and also put my main.lua file in the esx_status

donā€™t work same guy :frowning:
re-download hud in topic and replace you main.lua in esx_status again already bar it empty

or i wrong in esx_basicneeds ? lol

maybe you have changed something, i dont know but i re-downloaded mine to make sure that nothing is wrong with the script and it works just fine.
im gonna be releasing a drunk bar today, maybe it will work for you.

or i should setting something i donā€™t know ?
in esx_status
main.lua (3.5 KB)
in esx_basicneeds
main.lua (2.8 KB)

what is this ?

TriggerEvent('8c786336-b417-436c-9bad-008292632833', 'hunger', function(status)
				if status.val == 0 then

					if prevHealth <= 150 then
						health = health - 5
						health = health - 1



			TriggerEvent('8c786336-b417-436c-9bad-008292632833', 'thirst', function(status)

what kind of event is that