[ESX, vRP] Extra Detailed Pacific Standard Bank Heist

but you don’t get the notification, which breaks the script, so you should check your mythic_notify version, you may have the old one whic uses DoHudText export instead of SendAlert. In my script I use SendAlert, so check that.

I was using this one is that an older version? :open_mouth:

yes it is, but you can simply fix your issue by going to utk_ornateheist/client.lua and change every SendAlert to DoHudText

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You need to add them to any shop, pawn shop script you have, or make your own.

Hello, how can I change the duration to weld a door? or how long can I change it that it takes longer to hack the safe door at the end?

Hi, I had a problem with the script, where nothing happened when the script was started, and after sometime I got some error about PlayerData

Anyways, if you have something like this, for me it got fixed when I put this on top of the client file;


while ESX == nil do

    TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end)




PlayerData = ESX.GetPlayerData()


yes . Any solution?

I need help. Here is the error code when I start up the script

Please respond ASAP

If someone fails the hack does everything eventually reset? Failed at the second door to test. Left and came back about 25 minutes later and the alarm was still going off.

I need help. How can I add item to my database . I instaled the pacific standart bank heist . everything is working fine except the items pls help me.

check to see if it uses limit or weight, may have to use a item already in your database

weight.sql and item.sql file

Great script but one thing I noticed is if someone half completes the robbery and runs out then the robbery doesnt have a reset trigger.

Like if someone starts the silent trigger, runs to find the keycard, then leaves the bank; the bank robbery stays triggered until they come back to continue the robbery or the script is reset. Makes an abusable way around the cop limit for the robbery.

Any planned fix for that?

hey guys, i’m here with a problem, if i disable onesync my partner who will steal with me can see the props, but if i activate onesync he will stop seeing some props, could someone fix this?

Thank you for your help

Can someone help me with this?


Cannot seem to figure it out

I’m Korean, I hope you enjoy it.
Currently, some idiot resellers translate and sell for 50,000 won. Please be careful and we will never recommend you to purchase it.

Works perfect, lovely script, well done!

@utkuali Hi , which name of items for laptop,card etc? i found just lockpick lnd thermal_charge

It’s awesome btw , its working perfectly on dunko last version.

How to add alert for the cops please ?

the names can be found in the server.lua, somewhere, there are a few lines that define a certain item, looking like this:

vRP.EXT.Inventory:defineItem("lockpick", "Lockpick", "A Lockpick for picking locks", nil, 0)

i personally use the VRP2 version, but i expect the names will be the same, so the names you’re looking for will probably be id_card and laptop_h