ESX Vehicleshop job

Hi i have a question, im using esx vehicleshop and i want to set the Config.EnablePlayerManagement = false to true when there is a car dealer online but if there is no car dealer online set it to False.

can someone maybe tell me how. This is my Config.lua

Config = {}
Config.DrawDistance = 100.0
Config.MarkerColor = { r = 120, g = 120, b = 240 }
Config.EnablePlayerManagement = false
Config.EnableOwnedVehicles = true
Config.EnableSocietyOwnedVehicles = false
Config.ResellPercentage = 50
Config.Locale = ‘en’

Thanks in advance.


As you might see in line 11 of the server/main.lua its calling:

local char = Config.PlateLetters

so you should be able to change the values of the config like

Config.EnablePlayerManagement = false

in your main.lua script whenever you want.

Yeah i dont want to restart the server every time i just want it to be like with the circle if you have the job then true if none has the job then false.

Like this

BossActions = {
Pos = { x = -32.065, y = -1114.277, z = 25.422 },
Size = { x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 1.0 },
Type = (Config.EnablePlayerManagement and 27 or -1)

did u figure it out? if so, what did u use