Hello, I made a vehicle’s inspection script for those who maybe want to add a bit more roleplay thing to your server?
In order to drive around the city freely, you go to the mechanic’s and pass your vehicle’s inspection, so the cops in the city wont give you a fine for no insurance. Police can take your inspection, for numerous things.
Good afternoon!
I just bought the script, and I have a question…
On my server, I have 3 different mechanic jobs, could I configure the script so that all 3 jobs do the inspection?
Sorry for my English, but I am using a translator, my language is Spanish
I need the jobs that can pass the MOTs to be
‘ls_customs’, ‘admin’, ‘larrys’ and ‘fast’
But I have a problem, when the police check to see if it has the inspection or not, the unknown owner appears.