[ESX] VD-CasinoPack | Best and Cheapest | InsideTrack | Cashier | Blackjack | Slots | LuckyWheel (UPDATED)


Hey and welcome to VD-Casino Package!


Our Casino Package includes full access to All Casino Games like in GTA:O

Full access code, no IP lock or encrypted code

Casino Cashier 
    Lucky Ticket and Jetons

Slot Machines
    With original Props without NUI
    Fair Wins with Custom Muliplicator
    Different Bets on each Machine
    Full synchronized animations
    Based on GTA:Online
    Works on any map if has the props (it does NOT spawn the props)

    Blackjack Like GTA:O
    With Custom Bats

Lucky Wheel
    Complete Adjustable Wins
    Car Podium
    Lucky Ticket

Hores Track (Inside Tack)
    Coustom Bet
    Many Horses
    With GTA:O NUI 

But of course you can disable every script or function you want or install new scripts for new functionalities.

Also check out my Other Resources
Drug System/Farm System Planned

Price: 20.23€ + tax
You can get this script in my store: https://vincent-development.tebex.io/package/5422019

For Support add me on Discord:





Regarding Escrow

This script is managed through the FiveM Keymaster.
Regarding this we paid the highest attention to the opportunity that everybody can simply modify everything without any encryption.
For this matter we only included about 2-3 pretty small functions, which never have to be modified and can’t cause any problems into the escrow file. So I can promise 100% that you will not even notice this protection, when you aren’t willed to leak the script.


why is everyone trying to sell this script?


? This is a Custom Made Pack from Me

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Are you joking? In the first screenshot it’s clearly visible that the slots script belongs to VNS Scripts



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even then i can link several scripts that may also be free etc If youd be willing to talk in private i wouldnt mind looking over some small pieces of the client not all of it but overall i dont think this is your script


Yes nice video But I am the legal owner of this script It is a script pack created by me for my server since I gave it up a short time ago I am now selling this to The FiveM Community Other sites that sell this script are unofficial I have them updates and support

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which hud do you use?

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Yes, I agree with you, but I didn’t take a picture of the resmon because the scripts don’t differ much, so I named this one as a comparison picture


this casino script has been around for about a year plus and longer if im not mistaken… ykw give me a minute of digging and i can probs pull up other scripts (VNS,Quasar,QB etc) dude its okay if its not your original work if not thats fine but also just dont come on here acting like it is and trying to sell it to others

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I understand everything well, just because some scripts do not differ from each other, this does not mean that they were not made by myself, a few things served as templates, but it is a separate script which I have published with updates and support and there is no huge discussion now want to have with whom how what where from


sure homie wish you the best selling this

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Are there plans to include roulette to this script? If so its definitely worth buying.

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it belongs to GTAO technically

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Yeah i can Coustum made you a Roulette script

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I meant as a future update of this script, are you planning on updating it or is one release thing and no future updates etc.?

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Yeah i Have a Lot of planned things Like Roulette a Job for the Casino
Poker, high and low and much more are planned in future updates



Full access code, no IP lock or encrypted code

Code is cleary not open source, it’s encrypted by escrow system so do not say full access code when it’s not

Also the luckywheel script is exactly the same as “esx_tpnrp_luckywheel”

Conclusion: Scam


He wrote a small part 2-3 pretty small functions, which never have to be modified, is encrypted by fivem escrow system. I considering buying this cause it has everything (except roulette) and cant find other at so low price. My only concern is if it works and if it is as its presented. Can you confirm that it works and its as presented?


Clearly not, he said full code, no it’s false, some parts of source code are encrypted, don’t buy it

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