[ESX] User / Admin Control Panel

User/Admin Control Panel to manage your character or players

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What a admin can see if he has every permission

For what can you use it?:

  • If you want to change the phone number of somebody you could just login into the panel and search for his old phone number or name and just change it directly every change will be updated in the database directly
  • You can warn fractions if they do something wrong directly in the control panel and it will be saved in the database so you dont have to save it in any exel file or something else
  • If players have bugged cars for example if the car model got deleted then they can just delete it by them self
  • Fraction boss could fire people from anywhere for example if the boss is in vacation and somebody did shit then he can fire him even hes not ingame

User control panel features:

  • Dashboard too see your basic informations
  • Manage your vehicles
  • Manage your Properties
  • View your inventory
  • Manage your Faction as boss
  • See players on the server
  • Ticket system with live chat

Admin control panel features:

  • Manage all players, edit their data firstname,number, cars etc.
  • View Statistics all items/weapons on the server, Search vehicles/properties
  • Manage accounts change usernames, password
  • Manage team members uprank/derank/kick
  • Faction management
    • create/delete factions
    • manage all members derank/uprank/kick
    • create/delete/edit grades for fractions
  • Permission system for groups or licenses
  • Ticket system for team members to help users
  • Create supports that you have done
  • Audit log everything will be saved and send to discord
  • Settings page to manage webhooks without restarting server

How can everybody create an account?

After you buy it comes with an ingame script that you have to start
then everybody can type ingame /+account and an account creation window open where everybody can create an account every username is only onetime useable

Currently supported scripts without them only some functions will not work but everything else is still usable for new scripts support write it here in the topic or write me private

  • Multichar
  • Quasar phone
  • Quasar inventory
  • Quasar housing
  • Cheezas inventory
  • ox inventory
  • myProperties
  • b-properties
  • Roadphone
  • Novaphone
Code is accessible Only client side code
Subscription-based Includes-both
Lines (approximately) 4000+
Requirements Oxmysql, ESX Legacy
Support Yes

any chance of support for ox inventory, quasar housing and gks phone?


yeah that is possible can u send me used sql of them?

Does this Work with QB-Core? If not can you make it?


Sure I can dm it when I get to my pc. Any chance of a holiday sale?

Yeah if you could make this work with all of quasar scripts. I will get this.

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yeah sure but i need sql that you used on your server with some data in it


Big update

  • Mobile support
  • New UI
  • Better security
  • For users editable username,password and language in settings page
  • More logs and webhooks
  • For users profile page to view character informations and be able to change them if they got permissions
  • Now you can edit inventories from players,vehicles and properties (you have permissions)
  • Every day the player count will be saved at a specific time that can be seen in the dashboard in a graph
  • Much more detailed permissions

Is this project still active?

it is still active