[ESX] Transformation or Invocation of [CHARACTERS - MONSTERS]

Transform yourself into any PED in a great way! This resource was designed for this HALLOWEEN season where you can do events and enjoy with your users.



  1. Download the resource

  2. Add the items to your database

  3. Add the images you want to your inventory resource

  4. Downloaded the “InteractSound” resource to use the sounds if you don’t want it to take effect, skip this resource and comment on the “InteractSound” lines

  5. Modify the “Config.lua” at will.

  6. start boss_invocation

This resource does not include the peds, much less an external menu to execute the “PEDS

No IP Lock
No encrypted

:heavy_dollar_sign:[Buy it here at TEBEX


Could you add more peds to this? Also could you increase the time or have a just simple on/off instead of a time?

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In this version it is for time, in future updates I will remove that function, Thanks for the suggestion

so can i change the time of the effect?

Hey!, Again we have the online store.

Nice!!! thanks