[ESX-Team] esx-smallresources


Base scripts for ESX-Framework :building_construction:





  • Removal of GTA’s default weapons drops
  • Removal of GTA’s default vehicle spawns (planes, helicopters, emergency vehicles etc.)
  • Removal of GTA’s default emergency service npcs
  • Removal of GTA’s default wanted system
  • Useable binoculars
  • Weapon draw animations (normal/holster)
  • Ability to add teleport markers (from a place to another place)
  • Taking hostage
  • Pointing animation with finger (by pressing “B”)
  • Weapon recoil (specific to each weapon)
  • Tackle
  • Calm AI (adjusting npc/gang npc aggresiveness)
  • Adjusting npc/vehicle/parked vehicle spawn rates
  • Infinite ammo for fire extinguisher and petrol can
  • Removal of GTA’s default huds (weapon wheel, cash etc.)
  • Fireworks
  • Automatically engine on after entering vehicle
  • Discord rich presence
  • Crouch and prone



  • Download the script and put it in the [esx] directory.
  • Add the following code to your server.cfg/resouces.cfg
ensure esx-smallresources


Each feature has a different file name correlative with its function. You can configure each one by its own.

QB Version


nice script bro

bro i want to ask if you can make this one work with esx i tried but it doesn’t work

ESX.RegisterServerCallback((‘esx_afkkick:server:GetPermissions’), function(source, cb)

local src = source

local group = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(src).group



a parenthesis was missing in the afk.lua server for those who have this error this is the right string

What’s the resmon on this? I removed the finger point with B because it was crazy high on resmon

this resource is normal to have a high of resmon because multiple scripts in a file also on qbcore and so it’s all normal

make an pr for it :slight_smile:

anything about this one ?

Nice script, but i have a question, the number of the string of the population how does it works? What is the maximun population number?

Nice work!