[RELEASE] [ESX] T1GER - Heist Preps (Immersive & Interactive Heist Setup Jobs)


T1GER Heist Preps - YouTube


  • Go to any phone box in-game (i added most of the object models I could find in config) and type /prep to request a heist setup/prep job.

  • It is fully random which type of job you get, currently there is; hacking, drills, thermite, explosives and keycard (more will be added in the future).

  • All jobs are fully synced and can be done with/without other players.

  • Each type of job has multiple locations where the job can happen and multiple spawn pos, so the players can never know where exactly the spot/ped etc. are spawned - which makes it all more interesting!

  • Hacking :

    • Script selects a random prop spawn (add as many as you want) at the given location to create a prop.
    • Player(s) have to search all spots and find the encrypted device, press E to pick it up.
    • Then player(s) need to find the spot to decrypt the device, where a datacracking minigame will pop-up.
    • After minigame, a configurable timer starts and police will be notified with an intruder alarm.
    • Once the timer is gone, one player can collect the decrypted device and they have to escape/confront the police.
  • Drills:

    • Scripts spawns crate props at all the coordinates (add as many in config) for the given location.
    • For each crate, you can have configurable amount of construction workers (add them in config).
    • Player(s) need to search the site and find the crates, search them and be lucky to find a drill item (only configurable amount of the crates have loot).
    • Construction worker will attack the player once he is done with searching.
    • After the given configurable amount of drills are collected the job ends and the player escapes the site.
  • Thermal Charges:

    • Script spawns in a vehicle with 4 guards, which is tasked to reach an unknown destination.
    • Player(s) must plan & ambush the “convoy” before it reaches it destination.
    • In close fight, the NPC vehicle will follow/target the combat player but if distance is bigger, they will return to their route of destination.
    • AI’s are smarter and you can set options such as armor, accuracy, critical hits etc. (to make it more difficult).
    • Once the security guards are taken down, one player can search the trunk.
    • The searching player will receive thermite/thermal charges and the job ends.
  • Explosive Charges:

    • Script spawns in a explosive case prop in a random spawn spot at a given ocean location.
    • Player(s) must get out there and dive into the bottom of the ocean to search for the tiny case.
    • (you might need some diving gear/script to hold breath underwater - not included)
    • Once the case is the grabbed, player needs to get to the shore and place the case on the ground.
    • Here a lockpicking minigame will trigger and if not, then just a progress bar to unlock the case.
    • Once the case is unlocked, player receives explosive charges in inventory.
  • Access/Key Cards:

    • Script will spawn in a NPC in the given location, which will stand/wander around.
    • Players must find this NPC, take him down and search him for a set of master keys for some bank trucks.
    • Once the player receives the master keys, he will receive locations to some bank trucks around the map, where 2 (configurable) of them contains a key card.
    • Once the player has got the 2 keycards, the job ends.


  • ESX Legacy



Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2000
Requirements See Dependencies above
Support No

Absolutely beautiful. Great script!

Well done, good concept we were lack of this type scripts. This is beyond my expectations, cant wait to try this out. :+1:

found my next purchase!!!

Awesome resource. Any chance you could support QBCore? @T1GER_Scripts

QBCore version will come soon :fire:

1 Like

Website down? what happen?

Could you post the config file just so we know what we can edit ?


	Blips = {
		['hacking'] = {enable = true, sprite = 363, display = 4, scale = 0.65, color = 5, name = "Hacking Heist Preparation"},
		['drills'] = {enable = true, sprite = 363, display = 4, scale = 0.65, color = 5, name = "Drills Heist Preparation"},
		['thermite'] = {enable = true, sprite = 1, display = 4, scale = 0.75, color = 1, name = "Thermal Heist Preparation"},
		['explosives'] = {enable = true, sprite = 363, display = 4, scale = 0.65, color = 5, name = "Explosives Heist Prepartion"},
		['keycard'] = {enable = true, sprite = 363, display = 4, scale = 0.65, color = 5, name = "Keycard Heist Prepartion"},
		['truck'] = {enable = true, sprite = 67, display = 4, scale = 0.65, color = 3, name = "Searchable Bank Truck"},

	KeyControls = {
		['pickup_device'] = 38,
		['decrypt_device'] = 38,
		['collect_device'] = 38,
		['search_crate'] = 38,
		['search_c_trunk'] = 38,
		['collect_explosive_case'] = 38,
		['place_explosive_case'] = 38,
		['unlock_explosive_case'] = 38,
		['search_bank_ped'] = 38,
		['unlock_bank_truck'] = 38
	PhoneBoxes = {'prop_phonebox_01a','prop_phonebox_01b','prop_phonebox_01c','prop_phonebox_02','prop_phonebox_03','prop_phonebox_04'},

	Types = {'hacking','drills','thermite','explosives','keycard'},

	AlertJobs = {'police', 'lspd'},
	AlertBlip = { Show = true, Time = 20, Radius = 50.0, Alpha = 250, Color = 3 },

	Jobs = {

		['drills'] = {
			[1] = {
				location = vector3(-161.31,-1084.48,42.13),
				inUse = false,
				model = 'gr_prop_gr_2s_drillcrate_01a',
				item = {name = 'drill', amount = 1},
				lootableCrates = 2, -- amount of the below crates where players can find loot.
				crates = { -- exact coords where the prop should spawn, make sure to find correct Z coords or prop will be floating.
					[1] = {
						pos = {-189.79,-1105.55,17.715},
						npc = {
							[1] = {model = 's_m_y_construct_02', pos = {-182.45,-1108.76,18.69,61.29}, weapon = 'WEAPON_CROWBAR', scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_CONST_DRILL'},
					[2] = {
						pos = {-156.57,-1058.41,17.715},
						npc = {
							[1] = {model = 's_m_y_construct_01', pos = {-159.16,-1066.61,18.69,355.17}, weapon = 'WEAPON_BAT', scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_CONST_DRILL'},
					[3] = {
						pos = {-157.67,-1100.55,12.144},
						npc = {
							[1] = {model = 's_m_y_construct_02', pos = {-150.76,-1103.3,13.12,55.35}, weapon = 'WEAPON_CROWBAR', scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_CONST_DRILL'},
					[4] = {
						pos = {-128.46,-1100.44,35.164},
						npc = {
							[1] = {model = 's_m_y_construct_01', pos = {-133.8,-1105.31,36.14,303.47}, weapon = 'WEAPON_BAT', scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_CONST_DRILL'},
					[5] = {
						pos = {-179.18,-1078.03,41.164},
						npc = {
							[1] = {model = 's_m_y_construct_02', pos = {-173.6,-1073.47,42.14,119.8}, weapon = 'WEAPON_CROWBAR', scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_CONST_DRILL'},
					[6] = {
						pos = {-169.55,-1055.17,35.164},
						npc = {
							[1] = {model = 's_m_y_construct_01', pos = {-164.12,-1050.44,36.14,120.79}, weapon = 'WEAPON_BAT', scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_CONST_DRILL'},
					[7] = {
						pos = {-184.83,-1107.67,29.164},
						npc = {
							[1] = {model = 's_m_y_construct_02', pos = {-184.79,-1099.27,30.14,176.76}, weapon = 'WEAPON_CROWBAR', scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_CONST_DRILL'},
				cache = {}
			[2] = {
				location = vector3(-459.98,-923.04,29.39),
				inUse = false,
				model = 'gr_prop_gr_2s_drillcrate_01a',
				item = {name = 'drill', amount = 1},
				lootableCrates = 2, -- amount of the below crates where players can find loot.
				crates = { -- exact coords where the prop should spawn, make sure to find correct Z coords or prop will be floating.
					[1] = {
						pos = {-442.75,-925.78,28.39},
						npc = {
							[1] = {model = 's_m_y_construct_02', pos = {-443.88,-919.31,29.39,196.87}, chance = 50, weapon = 'WEAPON_CROWBAR'},
					[2] = {
						pos = {-447.52,-944.11,28.39},
						npc = {
							[1] = {model = 's_m_y_construct_01', pos = {-453.91,-946.17,29.39,291.52}, chance = 50, weapon = 'WEAPON_BAT'},
					[3] = {
						pos = {-445.28,-963.95,24.9},
						npc = {
							[1] = {model = 's_m_y_construct_02', pos = {-441.73,-968.55,25.9,41.56}, chance = 50, weapon = 'WEAPON_CROWBAR'},
					[4] = {
						pos = {-457.38,-933.01,37.68},
						npc = {
							[1] = {model = 's_m_y_construct_01', pos = {-464.07,-937.37,38.68,295.88}, chance = 50, weapon = 'WEAPON_BAT'},
					[5] = {
						pos = {-453.83,-880.57,46.98},
						npc = {
							[1] = {model = 's_m_y_construct_02', pos = {-451.95,-887.35,47.98,15.7}, chance = 50, weapon = 'WEAPON_CROWBAR'},
					[6] = {
						pos = {-470.88,-951.69,46.98},
						npc = {
							[1] = {model = 's_m_y_construct_01', pos = {-467.57,-955.85,47.98,29.78}, chance = 50, weapon = 'WEAPON_BAT'},
					[7] = {
						pos = {-454.17,-934.71,22.66},
						npc = {
							[1] = {model = 's_m_y_construct_02', pos = {-449.14,-939.24,23.66,66.51}, chance = 50, weapon = 'WEAPON_CROWBAR'},
				cache = {}

		['hacking'] = {
			[1] = {
				location = vector3(-1082.0,-260.37,37.81),
				inUse = false,
				model = 'h4_prop_h4_card_hack_01a',
				spawn = {
				item = {
					[1] = {name = 'eHackingDevice', amount = 1},
					[2] = {name = 'dHackingDevice', amount = 1}
				decrypt = {
					pos = vector4(-1053.8,-230.72,44.02,235.8),
					time = 2, -- time in minutes
					difficulty = 3, -- range from 2 to 5.
				cache = {}
			[2] = {
				location = vector3(1274.6,-1720.97,54.68),
				inUse = false,
				model = 'h4_prop_h4_card_hack_01a',
				spawn = { -- exact coords where the prop should spawn, make sure to find correct Z coords or prop will be floating.
				item = {
					[1] = {name = 'eHackingDevice', amount = 1},
					[2] = {name = 'dHackingDevice', amount = 1}
				decrypt = {
					pos = vector4(1272.11,-1711.66,54.77,15.2),
					time = 2, -- time in minutes
					difficulty = 3, -- range from 2 to 5.
				cache = {}

		['thermite'] = {
			[1] = {
				location = vector4(-1373.75,244.48,59.53,142.23),
				inUse = false,
				vehicle = 'baller6',
				agents = {
					[1] = {model = 'mp_m_securoguard_01', seat = -1, weapon = 'WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL', armour = 100, accuracy = 100, criticalHits = false},
					[2] = {model = 'mp_m_securoguard_01', seat = 0, weapon = 'WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL', armour = 100, accuracy = 100, criticalHits = false},
					[3] = {model = 'mp_m_securoguard_01', seat = 1, weapon = 'WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL', armour = 100, accuracy = 100, criticalHits = false},
					[4] = {model = 'mp_m_securoguard_01', seat = 2, weapon = 'WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL', armour = 100, accuracy = 100, criticalHits = false},
				item = {name = 'thermite', amount = 2},
				stopLocation = vector4(-1196.84,-1532.86,4.42,122.76),
				cache = {}
			[2] = {
				location = vector4(1044.62,-2402.03,29.77,353.95),
				inUse = false,
				vehicle = 'baller6',
				agents = {
					[1] = {model = 'mp_m_securoguard_01', seat = -1, weapon = 'WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL', armour = 100, accuracy = 100, criticalHits = false},
					[2] = {model = 'mp_m_securoguard_01', seat = 0, weapon = 'WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL', armour = 100, accuracy = 100, criticalHits = false},
					[3] = {model = 'mp_m_securoguard_01', seat = 1, weapon = 'WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL', armour = 100, accuracy = 100, criticalHits = false},
					[4] = {model = 'mp_m_securoguard_01', seat = 2, weapon = 'WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL', armour = 100, accuracy = 100, criticalHits = false},
				item = {name = 'thermite', amount = 2},
				stopLocation = vector4(-651.73,-1767.7,24.49,305.57),
				cache = {}

		['explosives'] = {
			[1] = {
				location = vector3(1822.74,-2946.53,-40.31), -- job location
				inUse = false,
				model = 'prop_idol_case_02',
				offset = {bone = 28422, pos = {0.05,0.0,0.0}, rot = {0.0,35.0,-90.0}},
				spawn = {
				shore = vector3(1766.71,-2700.7,1.96),
				item = {name = 'explosive', amount = 1},
				cache = {}
			[2] = {
				location = vector3(-2837.19,-501.46,-35.55), -- job location
				inUse = false,
				model = 'prop_idol_case_02',
				offset = {bone = 28422, pos = {0.05,0.0,0.0}, rot = {0.0,35.0,-90.0}},
				spawn = {
				shore = vector3(-2626.02,-179.66,6.21),
				item = {name = 'explosive', amount = 1},
				cache = {}

		['keycard'] = {

			[1] = {
				location = vector4(288.52,-1601.33,31.27,200.0), -- job location
				inUse = false,
				model = 'ig_bankman',
				npc = vector4(305.93,-1609.48,30.53,67.0),
				item = {
					[1] = {name = 'master_truckkeys', amount = 1},
					[2] = {name = 'mazebank_card', amount = 1}
				keycards = 2, -- amount of key cards to be obtained in total, cannot exceed truck location count below
				vehicle = 'stockade',
				spawns = {
					[1] = { pos = vector4(-20.06,-705.84,32.34,161.01) },
					[2] = { pos = vector4(310.38,261.02,104.94,277.39) },
					[3] = { pos = vector4(868.88,-2335.27,30.35,355.39) },
					[4] = { pos = vector4(-1293.14,-808.37,17.58,130.15) },
				cache = {}
			[2] = {
				location = vector4(-535.42,-219.17,37.65,208.93), -- job location
				inUse = false,
				model = 'ig_bankman',
				npc = vector4(-510.33,-227.27,36.55,201.71),
				item = {
					[1] = {name = 'master_truckkeys', amount = 1},
					[2] = {name = 'mazebank_card', amount = 1}
				keycards = 2, -- amount of key cards to be obtained in total, cannot exceed truck location count below
				vehicle = 'stockade',
				spawns = {
					[1] = { pos = vector4(-20.06,-705.84,32.34,161.01) },
					[2] = { pos = vector4(310.38,261.02,104.94,277.39) },
					[3] = { pos = vector4(868.88,-2335.27,30.35,355.39) },
					[4] = { pos = vector4(-1293.14,-808.37,17.58,130.15) },
				cache = {}



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