[ESX] [Supermarket]

ur missing the function, do u have esx_inventory installed?

does anyone know why buy buttons dont work if i put any shop ui in my server? :exploding_head:

Hey i can’t buy an item in the shop esx_shops esx_supermarket…

Why cant i see any items in the shop?

is there a opertunity to code a shop with jobs required? if anyone can help me out on it, pm me please :slight_smile:

SCRIPT ERROR: @esx_supermarket/client/main.lua:28: attempt to index a nil value (global “ESX”)

SCRIPT ERROR: @esx_supermarket/server/main.lua:43: attempt to index a nil value (field ‘?’)

Help pls!

please how to add images to items ? ana the size of image ?

ihave same pronlem do you solve it ?

Can someone help me?
When i press buy nothing happen’s

hey do you know how i can add permissions to the shop, like if i have the police job i can buy the bread.

how to fix this problem ? i got this script error

Replace canCarryItem to

local canTake = ((item.limit == -1) and (basket[i]["amount"])) or ((item.limit - item.count > 0) and (item.limit - basket[i]["amount"] > -1)) or false


Add This On Top of the client:

while ESX.GetPlayerData().job == nil do



    PlayerData = ESX.GetPlayerData()



    while true do


        PlayerData = ESX.GetPlayerData()



And Add This One before Purchase section on client:

if PlayerData.job.name == 'jobname' then
RegisterNUICallback('purchase', function(data, cb)

    TriggerServerEvent('esx_shops:buyItem', data.item, data.count, data.loc)



I have the same problem when i press buy nothing happen’s

I’ve done a little more work…

Thank you! :slight_smile:

I have a strange issue not sure if anyone can help me with or not, but when we login to the server the Supermarket window is opened and we cant close it unless we go to a store and open and then close. Does anyone know what I can try to resolve this?

How I can remove the Blips for a specific shop?

at least he shares his work and not just shares an image to make it cool