Good morning guys,
I’m writing here as a last resort, I think I’ve searched the whole forum and some other sites but can’t get an answer.
I installed esx_status and esx_basicneeds to use on my personal server but nothing is being done by the scripts. I know they are getting loaded because I have the possibility to “use” bread and water, however, esx_status apparently is not doing anything.
When I check my database for the “status” column they are either empty or containing “[ ]”. My guess is that esx_status is not managing to update the status but I don’t know why. All other scripts can read/write on the database with no problem.
I have everything up to date and both resources are added with ensure in my server.cfg.
I saw on esx_status readme file that you have to add this on server.lua:
local name = 'hunger'
local default = 1000000
local color = '#CFAD0F'
TriggerEvent('esx_status:registerStatus', name, default, color,
function(status) -- Visible calllback, if it return true the status will be visible
return true
function(status) -- Tick callback, what to do at each tick
{remove = 200} -- Client action (add / remove) so the client can be in sync with server
However, no server.lua exists on my resource, only main.lua in the server folder. But, also, those lines of code are already present in client/main.lua.
Does anyone know what might be happening?
Thanks for your time, any help will be appreciated!