[ESX] [SOLVED] New player first spawn

In my ESX based server i want to specify a location for players to spawn the first time they log into the server, and next time the will spawn wherever they left the server. I’m NOT using any of the fivem-map default resources, and it keeps spawning new players in Alta Street building. I want to change that WITHOUT using any of the fivem-map resources. Where is the first spawn location declared? where can i change it? The only coords i’ve found is when the database doesn’t save the last location correctly so it will spawn that player in a default location. Changing that does not resolve my problem. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

I figured it out. In your database change the default value. You can either do this when u are importing the es_extended.sql or runing this line in the database:

 ALTER TABLE users ALTER COLUMN position SET DEFAULT '{"x":changethis,"y":changethis,"z":changethis,"heading":changethis}';

where “changethis” u put ur desired coords. Execute the query and u are done!

Remember. This is for ESX only.


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