[ESX] Revive Script (Bring your friends to hospital and revive it)

server.lua (1.0 KB)

Fixed for not taking the money

Maybe better to create a PR with your fix, which would be easier for new users downloading this resource.

can you add a requirements like if there is less than 1 or 0 ems you can treat your friend here and if 2 and above you cannot

As stated in one of my previous messages I created a PR for this functionality, which now has been pushed to the main branch

I have an excellent idea. Is it possible to convert this code to revive everywhere through the first aid kit without the need to go to the hospital in the absence of a paramedic?

Very good script.
But I have a question, how do I prevent him from taking my weapons away when I revive?

Editing esx_ambulancejob server.lua.

Was buggy, revive works. But after disconnect u spawn dead. Tried grandma’s revive and it worked.

Could be nice to have but would also create a lot of RP-killing scenario’s

and there is some method so that you do not take away what you have in the inventory ?

Keep having the issue where it respawns but the respawn timer still appears. Any ideas?

Could you solve it? I have the same problem.

It doesn’t work

Nope still having the same issue.

Which version of es_extended do you using?

So it respawns player but timer is on screen? Can you move with your character and go away?

I have the same problem :((


same problem here…anyone has a fix?
cant seem to find another script like this

anyone manage to fix issue???error on esx_revive/server.lua line 9
es_extended version 1.1.0