Hi author, our server is using Qb framework, now we have a very serious problem, during the player injury, if I enable crawling, the player can then run on the ground while holding up his hands, it is very easy for the player to take advantage of the bug, how can I fix it?
I want to use medical items on everybody.
or add job who can use medical Items.
can I do that?
because I want create job “privatedoctor(
dark doctor)”
I have a problem. A report from an injured person who is lying down and sends a report to EMS does not show the injured person’s location on the map. Where to look for the cause?
I have both wasabi Ambulance / PD and my PD garage works but the Ambulance one does not I was wondering does the PD garage interfere with the Ambulance Garage?
yea i do
I get this error when I use a defibrillator to revive a player, and the player is not revived either
anyone know why when i use the ambulance script my commands like /revive and /reviveall no longer work?
Is it possible to make this combatable with ps-dispatch?
Slight issue with the script
when admin revives player They are in “godmode” when player is revived at a hospital he is fine
Only when player is revived using admin
When I resurrect a player, the player crashes and his cue is network overflow
See proper channel for support so purchases can be validated for support.
This could be caused by an anti-cheat or the event being triggered via a loop.
any idea how to fix the bleedout time
did you fix it?
i have the same problem sometime it’s show location some time it doesn’t show
@wasabirobby, I wanted to ask you a question, I am having problems with other ambulance scripts because they have a strange management of animations once dead, and for example, when there is no EMS available and a player wants to take another to the hospital it is impossible to carry him on shoulder or put him in a car because the death animation prevents any other animation and it is a little bug (frozen player, frontando in the air). This is solved with your script or it would still happen too?
Hiya, so currently have a bug, where in the hospital players who check in are charged and revived but cannot actually exit the bed? Any ideas? TIA
did you ever figure this out homie?
i swapped back to OX and it fixed it lol