Trase.Dev’s ESX/QBCore Lootbox System
Trase_Lootboxes is an innovative and customizable lootbox system, you can create your own unique reward system that perfectly suits your server’s needs. Trase_Lootboxes is the perfect addition to any Fivem server, whether you’re using ESX or QBCore. Our script is easy to install and comes with a clean and modern UI that will impress your players.
- Optimized at 0.00ms
- Secure & Protected
- Highly Configurable
- Configurable lootboxes
- Configurable rewards
- Configurable requirements
- Configurable UI
- Useable Items
- Configurable sounds
- Configurable rarity odds
- Configurable discord logs
- Configurable locales
- ESX/QBCore Compatible
Config = {}
Config.Framework = 'auto' -- auto, esx, qbcore (custom setup in framework folder)
Config.EnableSpinningSound = true -- When selecting a reward after opening a crate, play a spinning sound
Config.UseableItems = false -- Use items instead of UI to open crates
Config.Command = 'lootbox' -- Command to open the UI (only if UseableItems is false)
Config.UI = { -- Change the UI to your liking
Sidebar = 'linear-gradient(150deg, #0038FF -3.19%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.50) 62.7%)',
Main = 'linear-gradient(130deg, #0038FF -3.19%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.50) 62.7%)',
Config.RarityOdds = { -- Change the odds to your liking (MUST add up to 1)
['legendary'] = 0.07,
['epic'] = 0.1,
['rare'] = 0.13,
['uncommon'] = 0.2,
['common'] = 0.5,
Config.Strings = {
['sidebar_title'] = 'Lootboxes',
['sidebar_description'] = 'Open lootboxes and get a chance to win rewards!',
['selection_title'] = 'Lootboxes',
['selection_description'] = 'Select the lootbox!',
['crate_description'] = 'Lootbox', -- The title of the card is the "text" in crates!
['crate_button_select'] = 'SELECT CRATE',
['selectedCrate_title'] = 'Selected Crate',
['selectedCrate_description'] = 'Viewing {LOOTBOX_NAME} lootbox.',
['selectedCrate_rewards'] = 'Rewards',
['selectedCrate_requirements'] = 'Requirements',
['selectedCrate_button_open'] = 'Open Crate',
['selector_title'] = 'Opening',
['selector_description'] = 'Wait for the wheel to stop scrolling!',
['winnings_title'] = 'YOUR WINNINGS',
['winnings_button_claim'] = 'Claim',
['winnings_notification_title'] = 'You Won!',
['winnings_notification_description'] = 'You have won {AMOUNT}x {ITEM}!',
['requirements_notification_title'] = 'Requirements not met!',
['requirements_notification_description'] = 'You need {AMOUNT}x {ITEM} to open this crate!',
['discord_logs_title'] = 'Item Won!',
['discord_logs_description'] = 'A player has opened a lootbox and received a reward!',
Config.Crates = {
text = 'Legendary',
image = '', -- If Config.UseableItems is set to true, you can remove this line
color = 'linear-gradient(158deg, #D24C00 8.96%, #6A2600 85.48%)', -- If Config.UseableItems is set to true, you can remove this line
border = '0.7px solid #FFBD80', -- If Config.UseableItems is set to true, you can remove this line
hoverColor = '#804719', -- If Config.UseableItems is set to true, you can remove this line
-- item = 'legendary_key', -- If you want to use an item to open the crate, uncomment this line and change the item to the item you want to use (make sure Config.UseableItems is set to true)
requirements = { -- The required items to open the crate
{ tier = 'requirement', item = 'legendary_key', itemLabel = 'Legendary Key', amount = '1' },
rewards = { -- The possible rewards to reveive when opening the crate
{ tier = 'legendary', item = 'WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE', itemLabel = 'Assault Rifle', amount = '1' },
{ tier = 'legendary', item = 'WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE', itemLabel = 'Carbine Rifle', amount = '1' },
{ tier = 'epic', item = 'WEAPON_APPISTOL', itemLabel = 'AP Pistol', amount = '1' },
{ tier = 'epic', item = 'WEAPON_MINISMG', itemLabel = 'Mini SMG', amount = '1' },
{ tier = 'rare', item = 'ammo-rifle', itemLabel = 'Rifle Ammo', amount = '250' },
{ tier = 'rare', item = 'WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL', itemLabel = 'Combat Pistol', amount = '1' },
{ tier = 'common', item = 'ammo-9', itemLabel = 'Pistol Ammo', amount = '75' },
{ tier = 'common', item = 'WEAPON_PISTOL', itemLabel = 'Pistol', amount = '1' },
{ tier = 'uncommon', item = 'water', itemLabel = 'Water', amount = '5' },
{ tier = 'uncommon', item = 'apple', itemLabel = 'Apple', amount = '25' },
text = 'Epic',
image = '',
color = 'linear-gradient(158deg, #A803FD 8.96%, #4101FF 85.48%)',
border = '0.7px solid #ED80FF',
hoverColor = '#67009c',
requirements = {
{ tier = 'requirement', item = 'epic_key', itemLabel = 'Epic Key', amount = '1' },
rewards = {
{ tier = 'legendary', item = 'armour', itemLabel = 'Armor', amount = '5' },
{ tier = 'epic', item = 'ammo-9', itemLabel = 'Pistol Ammo', amount = '20' },
{ tier = 'rare', item = 'ammo-rifle', itemLabel = 'Rifle Ammo', amount = '20' },
{ tier = 'common', item = 'money', itemLabel = 'Money', amount = '2500' },
{ tier = 'uncommon', item = 'water', itemLabel = 'Water', amount = '5' },
{ tier = 'uncommon', item = 'apple', itemLabel = 'Apple', amount = '25' },
text = 'Rare',
image = '',
color = 'linear-gradient(158deg, #005CEA 8.96%, #002F8B 85.48%)',
border = '0.7px solid #80C2FF',
hoverColor = '#003d9c',
requirements = {
{ tier = 'requirement', item = 'rare_key', itemLabel = 'Rare Key', amount = '1' },
rewards = {
{ tier = 'legendary', item = 'armour', itemLabel = 'Armor', amount = '5' },
{ tier = 'epic', item = 'ammo-9', itemLabel = 'Pistol Ammo', amount = '20' },
{ tier = 'rare', item = 'ammo-rifle', itemLabel = 'Rifle Ammo', amount = '20' },
{ tier = 'common', item = 'money', itemLabel = 'Money', amount = '2500' },
{ tier = 'uncommon', item = 'water', itemLabel = 'Water', amount = '5' },
{ tier = 'uncommon', item = 'apple', itemLabel = 'Apple', amount = '25' },
text = 'Uncommon',
image = '',
color = 'linear-gradient(158deg, #15bd02 8.96%, #058b00 85.48%)',
border = '0.7px solid #19fa00',
hoverColor = '#058b00',
requirements = {
{ tier = 'requirement', item = 'uncommon_key', itemLabel = 'Uncommon Key', amount = '1' },
rewards = {
{ tier = 'legendary', item = 'armour', itemLabel = 'Armor', amount = '5' },
{ tier = 'epic', item = 'ammo-9', itemLabel = 'Pistol Ammo', amount = '20' },
{ tier = 'rare', item = 'ammo-rifle', itemLabel = 'Rifle Ammo', amount = '20' },
{ tier = 'common', item = 'money', itemLabel = 'Money', amount = '2500' },
{ tier = 'uncommon', item = 'water', itemLabel = 'Water', amount = '5' },
{ tier = 'uncommon', item = 'apple', itemLabel = 'Apple', amount = '25' },
text = 'Common',
image = '',
color = 'linear-gradient(158deg, #A1A1A1 8.96%, #474747 85.48%)',
border = '0.7px solid #fff',
hoverColor = '#4f4f4f',
requirements = {
{ tier = 'requirement', item = 'common_key', itemLabel = 'Common Key', amount = '1' },
rewards = {
{ tier = 'legendary', item = 'armour', itemLabel = 'Armor', amount = '5' },
{ tier = 'epic', item = 'ammo-9', itemLabel = 'Pistol Ammo', amount = '20' },
{ tier = 'rare', item = 'ammo-rifle', itemLabel = 'Rifle Ammo', amount = '20' },
{ tier = 'common', item = 'money', itemLabel = 'Money', amount = '2500' },
{ tier = 'uncommon', item = 'water', itemLabel = 'Water', amount = '5' },
{ tier = 'uncommon', item = 'apple', itemLabel = 'Apple', amount = '25' },
Config.Notification = function(data)
-- data.type, data.title, data.description
Server Config
-- This is server-sided because we don't want modders to be able to get the discord webhook.
while (not Config) do Wait(0) end
Config.Server = {}
Config.Server.Discord = {
Enabled = true,
Webhook = ''
- Purchase Here: View Store
- Documentation: View Documentation
- Preview: Watch Video
My Other Resources:
- trase_donor (paid)
- trase_storerobbery (paid)
- trase_mining (paid)
- trase_gunplug (free)
- trase_pedmenu (free)
- trase_discordapi (free)
- esx_antimoney (free)
Code is accessible | Yes & No (Alot of the code is open, with only core parts being locked, but there is also a option to purchase the source code. |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | ~1907 |
Requirements | ox_lib |
Support | Yes |