[ESX - QBCore] UZ Trygon Hud | RGB - Color Selection | Setting a Minimap | Advanced Noos System | Advanced Hud System | Simple Configuration

Tebex (OpenSource - Escrow)


RGB Color


Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 3100+
Requirements ESX or QBCore
Support Yes

these guys are cooking!

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I found 2 bugs

1 - screens higher than 1920 x 1080 are not compatible, which I solved by modifying the css

2 - Once opened the settings menu does not close even if you press ESC the little arrow remains and you cannot move and it does not save your changes

The script was obviously purchased with the OpenSource version

Stay in this situation, there are no errors in console

You have purchased v2.5, but you are writing in v1

The resolution section can be found here Gitbook (:desktop_computer:Supported Resolutions) It supports up to 8k

As for the second issue, if you change the name of the script, this is expected to happen. Please revert the script name to its original state.

thanks for the reply, the 3440 x 1440 resolution doesn’t work properly, however I solved the problem manually, for the menu as you can see in the screen I haven’t changed the name unless something is missing


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The file name should be ‘uz_TrygonHudV2.5’

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Hello ! My speedmetter does not show up !
And when im chosing color can’t press Y or N on the screen ! just allow to push ESC on keyboard ! Thanks for your help