[ESX - QBCore] Trygon Vehicle Shop | RGB - Color Selection | Car Shop | Air Shop | Sea Shop | Simple Configuration


:star2: Integrated with TrygonHUD, allowing users to use the “question” feature to display information instead of the previous marker system. Users can also choose to switch back to the old system.

:computer: Responsive design implemented, supporting a wide range of resolutions from 360p to 8k.

:new: Added new animations to enhance the user experience.

:tools: Upgraded from an older framework like jQuery to the more modern and widely used React.js,
resulting in improved performance and stability.

:art: Changed the color-picker tool to improve its functionality and appearance.

:lady_beetle: Optimized the Lua code to fix many known bugs and improve overall reliability.

[Open Source - Escrow] Trygon: Buy

OLD Video

[QBCore - ESX] Vehicle Shop (Fivem UZStore) - YouTube

Other Projects;

[ESX - QBCore] Jobs Shipping

[ESX - QBCore] Trygon Hud

[ESX - QBCore] Trygon Garage

[ESX - QBCore] Trygon Fuel

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2700+
Requirements ESX or QBCore
Support Yes

looks cool :star_struck:

For QBCore does it pull from the shared/vehicles.lua file

In its current version, it only pulls tools via config.lua, but if you want it to work from shared/vehicles.lua, we can do it for you if you reach it via discord :black_heart:



It has been fixed in qb core that it drops to minus when payment is received with the bank

:fire: :fire: :fire:

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Perfect Amazing Uİ