[ESX/QBCore/Standalone] Texas Hold'em/Holdem Poker - Fully in-game


The Texas Hold’em Poker script offers an authentic poker experience, replicating the rules and mechanics of the real-world game. Players will be able to enjoy the same strategies and tactics they’ve come to love in traditional poker.

The script boasts realistic animations for card dealing, card shuffling, and player interactions, creating an engaging and visually appealing experience that draws players into the poker table. Its currently the only script where every action is in-game and not only in the UI. The user interface is designed with ease of use in mind. Both experienced poker players and newcomers will find the interface intuitive and user-friendly.

The custom props enable players to interact with the game in an even more immersive way. From the custom made table, through small and big blind chips to the All-In triangle, every prop is custom made to allow for perfect, immersive gameplay.

Price: 34.99€ + Taxes
Buy on Tebex

Part of the client-side is encrypted via escrow. Server-side is fully open. (One javascript file is built with webpack, we can provide source project for the client to build it themselves)
Language support: EN, DE, ES, PL

Check out our other scripts:
[ESX/QBCore/Standalone] Texas Hold'em/Holdem Poker - Fully in-game
[ESX/QB/Standalone] Police Radar & Scrambler
[STANDALONE/ESX/QB] Police speed gun with in-game display
[ESX/QB/Standalone] Dynamic lucky wheel
[ESX/QB/Standalone] Casino Table Games (Roulette/Blackjack/Three Card Poker)
[ESX/QB/Standalone] Casino Utils - Custom walls, announcer, drinking and cashier
[ESX/QBCore/Standalone] Casino Slots with custom UI
[ESX/QBCore/Standalone] Multiplayer Miner Job with minigame
[ESX/QBCore/Standalone] Multiplayer Plumber Job
[ESX/QBCore/Standalone] Multiplayer Farmer Job

Code is accessible Part of client-side code and props are encrypted via escrow (One javascript file is built with webpack, we can provide source project for the client to build it themselves)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 5000+
Requirements Server build: 5848 or higher
Support Yes

This is amazing. Good job my friend

very good good sales

Why would someone pay that much when someone already released an open source version of ALL gta online casino games for $30 USD?


Texas Hold’em Poker is not in GTA Online. This is a script fully made by us with totally custom props and objects. It’s a different game than blackjack and three card poker from GTA:O


Can additional tables be placed, and use diffrent items at diffrent table locations?

IE: an illegal holdem table in some bunker somewhere using item black_money


You can place tables anywhere you want, it’s configurable. But for now every table uses the same item that is defined in the config files. I will add an option so you can use different items for each table soon.
That’s great idea!

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This looks fantastic, amazing job!

I have added ability to use different items for each table. The configuration looks like below:


I think there is a serious mistake, because the player who leaves at minute 2:16 of the video shows his cards? It shouldn’t be like that, if not the others have info on the cards that it wasn’t with

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When folding you can either fold without showing the cards (clicking) or fold and show the cards (holding the fold key). The player in the video just decided to show his cards

will pick this script up here in a little bit <3

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anyone purchase for qbcore yet? plz give feedback


If you hava any questions, let me know.

Any discord link ?? I need to purchase this script !! I need to know something !

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Hi, there’s a link to our site on the tebex - a discord link is there. According to rules I can’t post links to discord etc in the forum.

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How is the ms of the script when its running and not running.

Also if someone leaves will it fold his cards, like say someone crashes in the server , will it time out his hand?

Also be nice to see it only show the cards if the hand is over and u fold or want to show at the end.

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  • When using target the scripts uses: 0.00ms idle and 0.03 when sitting at the table
  • When someone crashes or leaves it automatically fold his cards
  • The cards only are shown when you decide to show them when folding (by holding a key) or when the game goes into showdown

-Do the tables have a predetermined location? I already have a casino and do not want it to conflict with it!
-Is there a way to set a table limit for example one table could be 50 to buy in but one could be 500
-is it compatible with MLO’s?

Looks like a great script I need a real poker script in my server!!

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Do the tables have a predetermined location? I already have a casino and do not want it to conflict with it!

You can change the locations and create new tables using our creator

Is there a way to set a table limit for example one table could be 50 to buy in but one could be 500

Yes you can change smallBlind values for each table

is it compatible with MLO’s?

You can use it with any MLO, but there are ready configs in the resource for GTA:O MLO and Gabz Casino MLO