[ESX] [QBCore] RS | Jobcenter: Easily Change Jobs - A lightweight and sleek Job Selector 0.00ms

Resmon Studio Presents!

RS | Jobcenter: Easily Change Jobs - A lightweight and sleek Job Selector

Key Features

:small_blue_diamond: Webhook integration

:small_blue_diamond: Secure from exploits

:small_blue_diamond: Customizable Config, HTML, CSS, JS

:small_blue_diamond: Customizable Marker, Blip, Coords, Notify, SharedObject, Jobs, Language

:small_blue_diamond: 0.00 ms idle

:small_blue_diamond: High Performance


:small_orange_diamond: ESX 1.1/1.2/Legacy | QBCore

Most Optimized


Purchase on Tebex

➜ Purchase ESX
➜ Purchase QBCore

Other scripts
➜ rs_dutysystem
➜ rs_namechange
➜ rs_numberchange
➜ rs_moneywash
➜ rs_carwash

Code is accessible No / Yes = Config, HTML, CSS, JS
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 400
Requirements ESX 1.1 1.2 Legacy or QBcore
Support Yes