[ESX] [QBCore] Multiple Jobs [PAID]


  • Desing: The Design is what you love! clean, optimized and responsive to all monitors.
  • Change Job: The user can change jobs at any time.
  • Jobs per Person : You can choose the jobs that a specific player or several players can have.
  • Resmon: This script will be at 0.00 ms all the time.

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Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1400
Requirements ESX or QBCore
Support Yes

Can the number of jobs be assigned to each player?

Yes is possible

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I have a problem!
I write the command, the menu appears, I click on any job, it changes.
But when I reopen the menu I am back at the previous job


I have exactly the same problem.
I have tried deleting the entire SQL, reinstalling…
I don’t know what else to do