[ESX/QBCORE] Metal Detector

Samurai Development’s Metal Detector!
Hey everyone I am glad to be back and releasing more resources. I had to take a small break so its good to be back! Hope all of you enjoy another free release!


This script allows a you to place down or use existing native metal detectors like in real life! If a player walks through with a blacklisted item it will set off the metal detector. You can set a unlimited amount of items and a unlimited amount of spawned detectors. This script also uses a smart place/remove system to conserve resources while going around the city!


You can watch the demo by clicking me!

Usage / How To Use:

You can add detector locations or use native locations in config! Just set your blacklisted items and walk through!


Github: GitHub - SamuraiDevCo/SDC_MetalDetector: This script allows a you to place down or use existing native metal detectors like in real life! If a player walks through with a blacklisted item it will set off the metal detector. You can set a unlimited amount of items and a unlimited amount of spawned detectors.
Tebex: https://samurai-dev-co.tebex.io/package/6343966


Any chance of adding like a “auto remove” items when walking thru the dectector?


I can maybe look into adding that if more people would like it

good job bro i also agree with idea above


this is tuff

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nice work :100:

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Update 1.0.1 Released!


  • New Config to set all blacklisted items to be removed upon walking through detector


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So I have interact-sound and its removing the item from my inventory but i cannot get the sound to play. Any ideas?

Replace interactsound to xsound

Will be pushing an update later to make the sound play from my resource instead of using a 3rd party resource!

Update 1.0.3 Released!


  • Sounds is now handled by the script and no longer requires interact sound

-Github: Release Version 1.0.3 · SamuraiDevCo/SDC_MetalDetector · GitHub
-Tebex: https://samurai-dev-co.tebex.io/package/6343966

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Support any Inventory? :thinking:
I use Chezza Inventory V4 and normal Items work but weapons wont work.

Chezza saves weapons in loadout, not in inventory… dang it :confused:

I can look into support for using gta weapon wheel

Update 1.0.4


  • Adds The Input For Those That Do Not Use Weapons As Items In ESX

Update 1.0.5 - Metal Detector Script


  • Adds The Option For Whitelisted Jobs From Detectors
  • Adds The Option To Add Coords To Act As a Detector

File Changes: (From Last Update)

  • src/config/config.lua
  • src/client/client.lua
  • src/client/client_customize_me.lua
  • fxmanifest.lua
