[ESX/QBCore] Kidnapping/Chloroform Script

[Release] Kidnap Resource - Adds Chloroform and Kidnapping Mechanic to FiveM

Introducing the Kidnap Resource, it brings a kidnapping mechanic and chloroform-related items to enhance your gameplay experience. This resource is compatible with both ESX and QBCore frameworks, automatically detecting which one you’re using. It also offers Discord logs for tracking cheaters and various events related to the resource.

The resource is protected by Asset Escrow system


  • Most of the text is editable
  • Compatible with ESX and QBCore
  • Auto detecting Framework
  • Discord Logs (Cheaters, On use, …)

New Items:

  • Chloroform (Item ID: chloroform) (QBCore only)
  • Cloth (Item ID: cloth) (QBCore only)
  • Chloroform Cloth (Item ID: chloroform_cloth)
  • Water bucket (Item ID: waterbucket)

ESX Preview
QBCore Preview


Combining Items in QBcore:
In QBcore, players can combine chloroform and cloth together to create chloroform cloth. This adds an extra layer of functionality to your server’s gameplay.

Please note that in ESX, its not possible to combine items.

Feel free to give this resource a try on your FiveM server and let me know your thoughts and feedback.

Download Link: Tebex Package

Looking forward to hearing your feedback and suggestions. If you encounter any issues or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 490 - Without Configs
Requirements ESX/QBCore
Support Yes

Read Rules Before Posting

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Where is the problem?

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you need a direct download you cant only have your tebex so like github or some other way then your tebex is what he is saying.

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Where exactly is this in the rules?

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For resources provided on Tebex, this means that you must provide a direct download link after purchase.

You get a download directly after checkout? I don’t see the problem

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  • Free releases: Releases that are released for free must contain a download other than Tebex (such as a direct download or GitHub). You may include a Tebex link but it must not be the only download.
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If it is free you should not put Tebex link nor should it be with Asset Escrow system

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Its not free its on sale


Opera Snapshot_2023-07-16_191606_yeadev.tebex.io


Yeah its because its on sale go to the checkout page to see the real price

¡¡SUSPICIOUS!! why do you need to encrypt a free script?

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Because I don’t want that other people steal my code. Already got these problems don’t want them again

So, don’t put free on tag. Free release need to be on github and open code, not locked with cfx.

No item to add ?
Its weird in the readme its write to set sharedConfig but its encrypt.
why you have a mp4 with tv no signal ‘‘hack’ in your script?’

There is a esx_only.sql for the items to add on QBCore the items will get added automatically, the mp4 is part of the index.html which will get played if a player gets knocked out. For the sharedConfig.lua I made a mistake in the fxmanifest which got fixed redownload it and it should be editable


make a special at 5$, if its nice, people will like it, never do a 100% off sale, always go like 95% so people get some of your stuff, and if they like what you have they will come and purchase more. :slight_smile:

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every time I have seen a post with scripts stolen and published without permission, in less than 30 minutes, they were deleted and sanctioned, apart from the community mentioning it in the comments.

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it is clear that no one who has commented sees it as “legitimate” for you to publish a “free” script encrypted and published in tebex + the strange excuses you have given.

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