[ESX | QBCore ] | Job Vehicle Shop | (management panel,discord log)

[ESX | QBCore ] | Job Vehicle Shop | (management panel,discord log)

This is a job vehicle shop system. When a player purchases a vehicle from the shop, it will be saved in the player’s garage. This script includes exports, allowing you to open the vehicle management panel via export, as detailed in our documentation. It is highly configurable and supports multiple frameworks. Currently, it supports ESX and QBCore, but it can also be adapted to work with your custom framework by modifying the bridge.


  • Can add multiple job shops as needed
  • Vehicle Management panel
  • You can set different vehicles for each grade
  • Can create multiple purchase shop locations for each job
  • Multiple language support
  • Yes, you can set air and ground vehicles; just change the save garage type depending on your garage system

Supported Framework - ESX | QBCore | Custom

Docs - https://grootdev.gitbook.io/groot-development/assets/g-job-vehicle-shop
Preview - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rt31LbNqnN8

Purchase Here

Escrow - https://groot-development.tebex.io/package/6392242
Unlocked - https://groot-development.tebex.io/package/6392246

This export is only for opening the vehicle management menu.



Config = {}

Config.settings = {
    CheckForUpdates = true,
    -- en - English | es - SPANISH | fr - FRENCH | hi - HINDI | ko - KOREAN | ml - MALAYALAM | ta - TAMIL | tr - TURKISH | zh - CHINESE
    Language = "en",
    Debug = false,
    currency = "$", -- currency symbol NOTE: just a label
    enableSystem = true, -- if true, player will be able to buy vehicle
    enableConfirmationMessageBeforeBuy = false, -- if true, player will be popup the confirm message before buy
    OneTimeBought = false, -- If true, the player will be able to buy the same vehicle only once
    RemoveMoneyFrom = "cash", -- bank | cash
    Notify = "ox_lib", -- esx | qb-core | ox_lib | custom
    Target = "textui", -- 'qb-target' | 'ox-target' | 'textui' | 'custom' ```lua - I wouldn’t recommend using textui [idle ms 0.02]
    WaitTime = 5, -- in seconds | only if Target = 'textui'
    EnablePeds = true,
    -- Tablet config
    EnableVehicleMangementMenu = true, -- if true, player will be able to open vehicle management menu
    DeleteDataTime = 1, -- in seconds -- delete vehicle cooldowns Note: default should be 1 second
    PanelItemName = 'veh_mangement_tablet',
    OpenVehicleManagementPanel = "item", -- 'item' || 'command' -- you wanna open management panel with command or item?
    PanelCommandName = "vehmanage"
Config.MoneyType = {
    -- You can change it depending on your framework, and you also need to update it in the bridge
    cash = "cash",
    bank = "bank"


Config.Garage = {
    -- QBCore - pillboxgarage | ESX - SanAndreasAvenue - you can change it
    defaultParking = "pillboxgarage" -- defaultParking

-- Management Panel Configurations
Config.ManagementPanelConfig = {
    ['police'] = {
        grades = {2, 3, 4}, -- who can access the management panel
    -- ['jobname'] = {
    --     grades = {0, 2},
    --     title = "Panel names"
    -- }

Config.VehicleShops = {
    ["police"] = { -- job name
        MenuConfig = {
            title = "Police Vehicle Shop", -- menu label
            icon = "fa-solid fa-car", -- icon
            TargetCoords = {
                vec3(445.1023, -977.7159, 30.6896), 
                vec3(431.2261, -977.4242, 30.7106) 
                -- add more if you need
            PedCoords = {
                vector4(445.1023, -977.7159, 30.6896, 95.0124), 
                vector4(431.2261, -977.4242, 30.7106, 21.0814)
                 -- add more if you need
            PedModel = "s_m_y_cop_01" -- ped model
        AuthorizedVehicles = {
            [1] = { -- index = grade
                -- 1st grade
                vehicles = {
                        model = "police3",
                        label = "Police 3",
                        price = 1,
                        type = "car" -- The type of vehicle, whether 'car' or 'air', depends on your garage.
                    }, {
                        model = "police2",
                        label = "Police 2",
                        price = 20000,
                        type = "car"
                -- add more if you want
            [2] = { -- 2th grade
                vehicles = {{
                    model = "police3",
                    label = "Police 3",
                    price = 1,
                    type = "car"
                }, {
                    model = "police2",
                    label = "Police 2",
                    price = 2000,
                    type = "car"
                }, {
                    model = "maverick",
                    label = "Maverick",
                    price = 10000,
                    type = "air"
        DiscordLogs = {
            enable = true, -- true or false
            webhook = "", -- add your discord webhook here
            Labels = {
                Title = "Police Vehicle Shop Log",
                embedColor = 16711680 -- embed color code
    -- create more shops if you need

:package: Check out our other scripts

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1100+
Requirements ESX - QBcore - ox_lib
Support Yes

:heart_eyes: wow impressive free a kedaikuma