[ESX - QBCore] FiveM Player Hygiene (Shower, Toilet, Sleep)

SCore Hygiene

Compatibility : QBCore / ESX / (Custom framework)
Hygiene : shower / sleep / pee / poo
Target system : qb-target / ox_target

With SCore Hygiene, players will need to manage more than just thirst and hunger. In fact, they will also have to take showers, use the toilet and go to sleep when they are tired.

Info : The hud (for hygiene) is integrated in the script, so you just have to start the script =)

preview : here

Buy : here

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Requirements None
Support Yes

You say it’s not encrypted but down the bottom you said the code is not accessible which one is it? :slight_smile:

A bit too high price for that simple script.
If u fullfill this script with all other things, in order to make this script rich with more small details etc, then i guess would be fair…
Overall, idea is really good, soo long time since basic_needs are made, and don’t have some extension with this type of stuff.

No i said that we can link your hud to our script if your hud is not crypted :smile:

we will try to review the price and add more details, thank’s for your reply :wink:


Great script :smile:

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Thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Announce: We added a new feature, the player will get tired, and have to go to sleep

Why can’t we add urine? Players need to poop, which would make the system more complete. I looked many times and found no urine.

it’s comming :wink:

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Hello, do you have a news for urine ?

we will add it this week

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is not sync with other player ? my friend dont view the fly :confused:

  • flies sync fixed
  • urine system added



Hello I have a issue where players can hear someone using the toilet or the alarm going off if your not near them how do I fix this?

Hello, open a ticket on our discord and we will be happy to help you to resolve the problem :smile:

Just did im waiting for a reply! :upside_down_face:

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Hello, first of all I am happy to see that you all liked this script :heart_hands:, do not hesitate to suggest your ideas to add to the script

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Perfect script for roleplay servers! I recommend. Easy setup, great support! !