Hello to you today I made the advanced treasure hunting script, I hope you like it.
I designed the objects myself (except pickaxe and shovel) you can edit many things you want from the config file.
Config = {}
Config.FreamWork = 'ESX' - -ESX OR QBCORE
Config.Waypoint = true -- true or nil
Config.Axe = true -- true or nil
Config.Waypoint = true -- true or nil
Config.Axe = true -- true or nil
Config.PoliceNotify = true -- true or nil
Config.keyrequirement = false -- true or nil (if you want to use key for chest)
Config.axerequirement = true -- true or nil (if you want to use axe for treasure)
Config.ChestKey = 'chest_key' -- item name
Config.Axe = 'pickaxe' -- item name
Config.Distance = 181 -- distance for the mission to be canceled
Config.Text = {
["axe_progressbar"] = "being dug up",
["shovel_progressbar"] = "digging the chest",
["keynotfound"] = "No key found to open the chest",
["pickaxenotfound"] = "No pickaxe found to dig the chest",
["highdistance"] = "the treasure was lost because you walked away",
["policenotice"] = "Illegal excavation",
["digging"] = "Digging",
["chest_removed"] = "chest is being removed",
["receiving_crate"] = "receiving crate",
["pickupchest"] = "You took the chest",
["waypoint"] = "treasure marked",
Config.ChestChance = { -- Standart Chest
["10"] = { -- Items to be given with 10% probability
items = {
name = "gold",
count = 1
name = "diamond",
count = 1
["30"] = { -- Items to be given with 30% probability
items = {
name = "gold",
count = 2
name = "diamond",
count = 2
["60"] = { -- Items to be given with 60% probability
items = {
name = "gold",
count = 3
name = "diamond",
count = 3
["80"] = { -- Items to be given with 80% probability
items = {
name = "gold",
count = 4
name = "diamond",
count = 4
["100"] = { -- Items to be given with 100% probability
items = {
name = "gold",
count = 5
name = "diamond",
count = 5
Config.SeaChestChance = { -- Sea Chest
["10"] = { -- Items to be given with 10% probability
items = {
name = "gold",
count = 1
name = "diamond",
count = 1
["30"] = { -- Items to be given with 30% probability
items = {
name = "gold",
count = 2
name = "diamond",
count = 2
["60"] = { -- Items to be given with 60% probability
items = {
name = "gold",
count = 3
name = "diamond",
count = 3
["80"] = { -- Items to be given with 100% probability
items = {
name = "gold",
count = 4
name = "diamond",
count = 4
["100"] = { -- Items to be given with 100% probability
items = {
name = "gold",
count = 5
name = "diamond",
count = 5
Config.Location = {
[1] = vector3(-940.76, 4825.04, 311.04),
[2] = vector3(610.6, 5552.64, 713.36),
[3] = vector3(3248.4, 6116.76, 45.48),
[4] = vector3(3709.24, 4924.16, 16.92),
[5] = vector3(-200.76, 2327.36, 96.44),
[6] = vector3(-2855.08, 1596.28, 38.36),
[7] = vector3(-1025.6, 1012.08, 160.76),
[8] = vector3(1730.08, -2554.72, 63.16),
[9] = vector3(1329.52, -1132.56, 39.68),
[0] = vector3(1682.52, 504.52, 221.76),
Config.Chest = { --Pirate Chest
[1] = vector3(-2588.54, -610.81, -37.72),
[2] = vector3(3108.68, -200.16, -27.42),
[3] = vector3(3188.76, 1158.08, -47.48),
[4] = vector3(3586.72, 5839.76, -22.65),
[5] = vector3(2512.28, 6877.72, -22.6),
3fe Modding & Dev.
Code is accessible | True |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 400 |
Requirements | Any Framework |
Support | Yes |