[+] Added Config.UseInstallationSoundEffects: this adds part assembly sound effects, for example when lifting a vehicle on car jacks, there will be a sound effect but an external script such as xsound is required for this, you can also customize the effects for which parts you want to use this in Config.PartsInstallationSoundEffects and possibly customize the export/event in CL.PlayInstallationSoundEffect [+] Created a new config.custommods.lua file into which Config.EngineSwaps from config.tuningmenu.lua, Config.VehiclesSwaps, Config.VehiclesSwapsByClass from config.vehicles.lua were moved. Also added the ability to completely disable the use of Engine Swap - Config.UseEngineSwaps and all options for the new Wheels Stance option. [+] Added some missing translations such as: French .json & some in .lua, Czech some in .lua, Spanish .json & some in .lua, Turkish .json & some in .lua [+] Added Config.AllowRunWithJacks & Config.AllowJumpWithJacks - this will allow you to manage the playerâs ability to run and jump while carrying jacks [/] Blocked all visual HSW parts coming from GTA+ (Updated Config.BlacklistArmedMods list). [/] Blocked all mechanical parts coming from GTA+ (Updated Config.TuningMaxValues vehicles list) [/] Fixed loading of previous color in RGB menu when it was 0,0,0 [/] Fixed possibly all errors regarding loading custom tuning options such as Engine Swap, Locator [-] Removed Config.DisableAbilityToRunWithParts option, instead added allowPlayerRun & allowPlayerJump option to Config.AdvancedInstallationsProps, Config.InstallationPartsPropsList - this will allow you to manage playerâs ability to run and jump while carrying parts
[+] Introduced compatibility with the tax system and job resumes from vms_cityhall [+] Added compatibility with ls_bolt_minigame (Config.UseBoltMinigame - config.installationparts.lua) [+] Added commas to prices for better visibility [+] Added CL.AllowOpenTuningMenu function - this allows you to check the dependencies for the ability to run the tuning menu [+] Added new modifications: Suspension Height, Wheel Size, Wheel Width, Drift Tyres
[+] Added missing translations [+] Support for mx-surround in installation sound effects [/] The wheels stance loop has been optimized [/] Fixed a bug that caused some tuning parts to disappear after leaving the sector the vehicle was in and no one else was rendering it (Config.VehiclePropertiesStateBag) [/] Corrected error that displayed on F8 after using /relog [/] Fixed bug causing wheels stance loops to run even when not modified [/] Fixed a bug that, through a certain method, allowed you to buy window tint/turbo/wheels stance/engine swap/wash/half repair for no payment [-] Disabled RGB Xenon Color - Reason for removal is lack of synchronization between players in FiveM
[/] Fixed bug causing management menu not to display when not using vms_cityhall [/] Fixed a bug that caused missing mechanical parts for motorcycles [/] Fixed bug displaying $0 price for Engine Swap and Locator [/] Fixed a bug that caused a problem when using a different balance than the built-in one [/] Fixed some bugs and lack of synchoronization of Wheel Size, Wheel Width and Custom Suspension Height between players (Also requires Set Vehicle Properties update)
I would like to remind you that the option of wheel size and width cannot be applied to the default wheels of the vehicle
To make the size and width of the wheels flawless when changing the wheels the size returns to the original, when installing new wheels you must then choose a custom size if you want to use one.
[+] Added the external_account option to Config.TuningPoints, useful if you are using the built-in balance and want multiple separate tuning points to share a single company account. [+] Added Config.Debug to make it easier to identify misconfigurations, such as those related to grades_access. [/] Changed the behavior of checking for the use of custom tuning parts like Stance, Wheel Size/Width, etc. Previously, in config.tuningmenu.lua, it was Config.UseWheelsSize and {...} or nil. This has been changed to the option dependence = Config.UseWheelsSize inside the tuning option table due to bugs where an item with a specific ID could not be found, preventing access to features like turbo, etc. [/] Fixed a bug with a broken engine when opening the tuning menu for qb-core (Update Properties). [/] Fixed a bug with âsagging suspensionâ after closing the tuning menu for qb-core (Update Properties). [/] Fixed a bug with extras for qbox-core (Update Properties).
[+] Added Config.UseTargetSystemForTuningPoints: This allows you to use the target system for tuning menu points [/] Fixed bug related to the native SetVehicleSuspensionHeight error when interacting with boats [/] Fixed Drift Tyres for qbx-core [/] Optimized event:entityCreated on server-side
Information for qbx_garages users - this garage system is not compatible with locators, engine swaps and wheels stances