Prepared translation of the script in English, Czech, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish languages thanks to the VMS Translator team. The ability to make your own translations using the config.translation.lua and translation.js files
Player can close his report until no administrator claims the report
Report information - When a player creates a report in the menu there will be the type of report, title, description and a possible screenshot which by pressing on it you can run fullscreen
Report chat - There is a chat available through which you can write with the author of the report and find out how you can help him, the author is marked in gray, the admin is marked in red
Actions for administrators
Claim: if any admin has not claimed the report, no administrator can write in it or close it
Close: without a claim the report cannot be closed
Kick: Ability to kick the player who created the report (Can be disabled in config.js)
Ban: Ability to ban the player who created the report (Can be disabled in config.js)
Teleport to Player: You can teleport to a player to help them (Can be disabled in config.js)
Bring Player: You can teleport a player to yourself to help them (Can be disabled in config.js)
Information about the player who created the report for admins
Online status of the player: if is online a green dot and player id is displayed, if offline there is a red dot
Steam Username
Character name
Identifier: for ESX it will be steam identfiier or rockstar license but for QB-Core there is CitizenID
Discord: If the player has a connected discord with fivem, the user id will be displayed there
History of closed reports - in it you can view all closed reports with their information and the history of the chat that was conducted (Not required, if you don’t want to use report history, you can disable it in config)
You can set the length of time a report is available in the history after it is closed - after the specified time, older reports will be automatically deleted and no longer available.
Permissions - For each option in the report menu, you can set specific admin roles with access.
Full support.
For insights into modification and customization options, please visit highly detailed configuration files, click here to check it
Full view for configs on our script documentation:
[+] Added cause of death under the player’s username with information on what he was killed from, by whom, and the model of vehicle he was run over with if he was (Only for ESX because in QB-Core player is not dead, it’s only animation but if you are using custom death system, you can plug-in it in the Config.GetDeathStatus) [+] Added Admins Stats section so you can find out which admin is most active in helping players, and you can use this as a precise indicator because you have 4 values
- Claimed: When claiming this statistic is saved.
- Closed: When closing this statistic is saved.
- Sent Messages: After the message is sent, this statistic is saved.
- Resolved Reports: When claiming, sending a minimum of one message and closing the report, then the claim is considered fully resolved. [+] Added new action for admins
+ Take a Screenshot: It allows you to quickly take a screenshot of a player at any time when they have a report open
+ Open Inventory: If you have a custom inventory you can enter your custom export/event to open it in Config.OpenCustomInventory if you want to use our inventory menu, then you will see a list with items, weapons and player money (SV.getInventory) [+] Added translations in NL thanks to help from VMS Translators Team. [/] Fixed online/offline player status updates
[+] Added translation of CLOSE button to translation.js (translate.report_info.close) [/] Improved server-side script performance [/] Fixed death checker module for qb-core and improved it with license plate information
* (If you use a resource other than esx_ambulancejob/qb-ambulancejob or have other events for revive, you need to adjust them in config.client.lua to make the script aware that the player is no longer dead)