[ESX/QB] vms_boatschoolv2 | Voiceover

:money_with_wings: YOU CAN BUY IT HERE: www.vames-store.com


Watch it here:


  • Compatible with ESX & QB-Core
  • Compatible with esx_menu_default, esx_context, qb-menu, ox_lib Context
  • Compatible with ox_target
  • For ESX it use esx_license
  • For QB-Core it use metadata from core
  • Responsive UI
  • Highly detailed configs (config.lua, config.client.lua, config.routes.lua, config.server.lua)
  • Maneuver commands spoken by the examiner in :us: English / :de: German / :fr: French / :es: Spanish / :portugal: Portuguese (can be turned off)
  • Fully editable markers, checkpoints, blips
  • Adjustment of notification system
  • Possibility to use with TextUI
  • Customizable pricing and license names so if you currently have any boat school and a server edition currently running, you can change the names to the current ones so that the playersโ€™ licenses remain
  • Possibility of fully customize the exam route and route actions
  • Ability to change questions for category along with photos
  • In config.server.lua you can customize the license system to your needs, if you want a license for an item in an inventory, you can add it there
  • The examinerโ€™s ped sits next to you in the passenger seat during the practical exam (can be turned off)
  • In the config you can set whether to take money from the bank account if the player has no money in cash
  • You can set for category the number of questions to be drawn, how many questions it will have to answer and the number of correct answers to pass the theory exam
  • During the practical exam, the player has to complete tasks from the examiner written in ui on the right, when done, he marks the point as done
  • Full translation with config.lua & translation.js.
  • Full support.


Full view for configs on our script documentation:


Not using the script:


During the practical exam:


Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +2500 (Including route file and all configs)
Requirements ESX / QB-Core
Support Yes

Amazing resource, I love the tasks UI and the whole idea. Just one suggestion, instead of using the FreezeEntityPossition native try to use SetBoatAnchor. This will make the boat stay at the same position, but will be on the top of the water not under it.

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Thank you very much. Will try this native function, if it works as you wrote I will definitely add it in the next update :hugs:

:computer: UPDATE 1.0.1

[+] Added Config.BeforeOpeningMenu function to config.client.lua file

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: UPDATE 1.1.0

[+] Compatibility with the VMS City Hall suspended license (Config.UseVMSCityHall)
[+] Compatibility with qs-vehiclekeys and wasabi_carlock
[+] Support for Buty-License with new Config.LicensesResource
[+] Support for ox_inventory and qs-inventory items
[+] Added auto-detect of Config.Core, Config.CoreExport, Config.PlayerLoaded and Config.Notification
[+] Added Config.PlayerDropped to protect against locking the spawn point with a vehicle when a player leaves the server during an exam, the vehicle and the examiner ped will be removed
[+] Added framework functions to config.server.lua
[+] Added Config.MenuIcon
[+] Added menuIcon to Config.Licenses
[+] Added script translation in languages by default: :uk: EN, :de: DE, :fr: FR, :es: ES, :portugal: PT, :netherlands: NL, :poland: PL, :it: IT, :czech_republic: CZ, :sweden: SV
[+] Added Config.OnVehicleDelete function to config.client.lua which allows keys to be taken away
[+] Added Config.AddLicenseItem, you can add the license item after completing the practical exam
[+] Secured the license addition event from cheaters
[/] Fixed closing of task list menu after vehicle explosion
[/] Moved translation from config.lua to config.translation.lua to be able to do multi-language
[/] Moved UI translation from translation.js to translation.json to be able to do multi-language
[/] Moved questions.js file from .html/ to .config/