[ESX] [QB] T1GER Gang System


This is a complex gang-system resource, which is a “must-have” on your FiveM roleplay server. This will ultimately enhance roleplay for those involved in gang-related activities, with possibilities to build up a notorious gang using a reputation system, taking control of rackets to make an income and at the same time keeping rival gangs from your businesses. As a side-hustle, gang-members can sling drugs, collect protection money or take drives as a chauffeur for the prostitution racket.


Watch the video below to learn more about the resource and see the features for yourself.


Tebex | Gang System | £40 + VAT


Brief summary of the core features in this resource, otherwise this will be a never-ending list. The YouTube Showcase video above gives you a very good idea of what this resource has to offer!

Admin Gang Menu - Can be accessed by command/keybind. They can either create gangs or view created gangs and manage these. When selecting a created gang, admins can:

  • Notoriety - Plus or minus notoriety points to a gang’s reputation.
  • Cash - Add or remove cash from the gang’s cash locker.
  • Enable/Disable - Do you want to punish your gang and restrict all their access? No need to delete the gang, simply disable until you enable it again.
  • Change Leader - Change the gang leader to a new one.
  • Delete Gang - Completely delete the gang.

Player Gang Menu - Can be accessed by command/keybind. This can only be performed by gang-members and the menu is permission based on ranks. These ranks have perms; rank-1 (leaders), rank-2 (underbosses) and rank-3 (shot-caller). Some of the possibilities from this menu are:

  • Gang Details - View details about your gang.
  • Gang Members - View & manage gang members. Rank-3 can only view and kick, where as rank-1 and rank-2 can promote/demote gang-members.
  • Invite Member - Invite members to your gang, the target-player has to accept/deny the invitation. This can also be done by rank-3.
  • Ranks - Gang-members with rank-1 & rank-2, can manage the rank names to suit their gang’s preferences. You can add as many ranks as you want inside config, the gang decides how many and which ranks to use.
  • Marker Management - Create marker for garage, stash and cash-locker. Customizable drawMarker. Set a pin-code or leave it empty to access the marker. If the pin-code is shared with non-gang-members, then they’ll have access too. You can change the pin-code. Possibility to delete marker and create elsewhere incase gang is moving HQ. Configurable cooldown when deleting a marker for a new one of same type to be created (prevent power-gaming). Creating markers costs notoriety points to make sure the gang really build up their reputation before gaining access to the goods!
  • Jobs - Gang members can request jobs to do from the notorious contract NPC or they can cancel an ongoing job. Currently the only missions/jobs are prostitution drives as chauffeur (as more rackets are added in the future, more jobs will be added).
    • Prostitution Jobs - Gang member must pickup a hooker and drop her off at her client’s destination. During the drive, player must ensure that vehicle engine is not damaged above configurable %, else the job will cancel, the hooker will run away and the gang loses notoriety. If job is completed in order, then gang receives +notoriety.
  • Action Menu - To interact with players but each action requires a minimum pts. of notoriety in the gang. So they got to work hard in order to use the action menu thoroughly.

Action Menu - Gang members can use their action menu if there is a nearby player. This offers a variety of features, such as:

  • Zip Tie - Tie a player’s hands with zip-ties using nice animations. Requires item in inventory that will be removed.
  • Remove Zip Tie - Untie player’s hands and receive the zip-tie item back in your inventory.
  • Escort - Escort a zip-tied player. Shows animation on the escorting player and the escorted player walks/runs depending on motion state of the escorting player.
  • Vehicle In/Out - Put players into vehicles or pull them out. Door must be open and the vehicle must be unlocked.
  • Trunk In/Out - Put players into a trunk or pull them out. Trunk door must be open and the vehicle must be unlocked. The player inside the trunk cannot see anything.
  • Hostage - Take players as hostage while using a gun.
    • Release - Let the hostage go.
    • Kill - Kill the hostage.
  • Headbag - Put headbag onto zip-tied players using a nice animation. The “headbagged” player will not see anything but the inside of the headbag. Also spawns a headbag prop on the target player.

Drug Sale - Players can sling drugs to NPC’s using target system. Configurable base sell prices, sell chances and sell amounts for each drug. If player is inside a defined hot-street for the specific drug, then a bonus will be added to the unit sell price. If there is required police online for the specific drug then an additional bonus will be added to the unit sell price. On failed drug sales there are chances that the NPC will call the police by doing animation, player must take out the NPC to prevent the police alert. If police are being called gang loses notoriety, else with successful drug sales gang-members can build up their gang’s notoriety reputation.

Rackets - Interact with the notorious contract NPC to claim or withdraw rackets. If a racket has been claimed by a gang, other gangs cannot claim this racket, until the current gang withdraws from it. This will certainly create some rivalry between gangs and make them eager to fight for rackets. Claiming rackets costs notoriety points.

  • Protection Money - If a gang has the protection racket, they go to shops (add more shops in config), request a collection, wait x amount of time and then collect the protection money. However, other gang-members or players can also collect the protection money, so you better protect the store!

Fully Synced - The resource is fully synced between players.
Optimized - Resource runs at 0.00 ms at idle and up to in interactions 0.02-0.06 ms.
Translation - Easily translate the resource to your preferred language by editing language.lua.
MultiChar - Works flawlessly with default ESX & QB Core multicharacter-system.
Police Alerts - Are integrated or you can easily setup your own.

Requirements & Notes


  • ESX (1.1, 1.2, 1.final and all Legacy versions)
  • Official QBCore


FiveM’s escrow system - Majority of the code is accessible. Server Artifact Version 4752 or higher is required.


OneSync - Supports: Legacy, Infinity & Disabled

Target - Supports; ox-target, q-target, qb-target and meta-target

Inventory - Supports: ox-inventory, qs-inventory, mf-inventory and qb-inventory.

Documentation - T1GER Gang System | T1GER Scripts Documentation

Code is accessible No (majority is accessible)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 4000+
Requirements See Requirements & Notes
Support Yes

Welcome back T1ger <3

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Thanks a lot man! <3

Good to see you again :smiling_face:.

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Thank you so much! :pray:

Unfortunately, for $40… I dont think this is unique enough for 2 reasons… All options are ran off qb-menu or something similar visually. Also there’s no features offered exclusively with this script, as 2-3 popular creators have these exact options. Id hope you’d reconsider your pricing to around $10 without a custom UI


youd pay more just for a custom ui to run up your resmon , the menu he uses is what everybody is starting to use for very good reason , plus come on this is one of the best gang systems ive seen in a while i def will be purchasing


agreed. glad to see good creators using ox_lib as a standard now. this is a great release. fair price, imo.

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You must be on esx. Because this, like i mentioned is exactly the same as others with less features in my opinion.

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you could always just do it yourself instead of complaining about the price. or just go buy the other options you are talking about instead of being negative here. just a thought.

Love it… but like lot of script, i think is not compatible with quasar inventory about storage :confused:

Quasar inventory and a few others will be supported in the next few days

Would love to see exactly same resources with more features than whats being offered here. Send me a DM with them, so you dont advertise other releases in here.
i bet you can’t. And if you do, this resource is yours with free of charge😎


Jeg er spændt på om han for den gratis :stuck_out_tongue: men synes altid du T1ger har givet mere i dine filer end andre også derfor jeg har købt så meget ved dig til min server-1 og nu hvor server-2 er i gang… Må jeg vist heller snart få købt denne her også til samlingen på Hobro RP

Glad to hear mate🙏🏽

I use snipes gang system currently, love the flag aspect but debating replacing with this one. Is this open?

Hey there! Most of the code is open, its litterally a few functions etc. that has been escrowed to prevent leaking. Nothing in there you’d want to change anyways.

Updated to support this.

Markers - Added configurable cooldown when deleting a marker, so gang has to wait x time before creating a new marker (prevent power-gaming).
Pin-Code - Added configurable cooldown on x failed attempts to a specific gang-marker, to prevent players from guessing pin-codes over-night and gain access.

any turf system