[ESX][QB] Sharks

Hey all i have created a shark script! Please check it out!


  • Fully synced with each player
  • Each player is allocated one shark, so there is no spamming of the shark ped
  • Optimizied, runs at 0.00ms most of the time with 0.01ms occasionally when checking the players location
  • Cool shark kill animation
  • Shark repelent item, (note this stops the shark spawning for that one player, if a shark is in the water and you have shark repelent on you still have a chance of being eaten)
  • Sharks will not spawn in swimming pools, only in the ocean
  • Every 20 minutes the players location is checked, and a shark will be spawned nearby if all requirements are met
  • Shark will eat everyone if you are not careful
  • Shark does have hp and can be killed, it also can get scared and swim away
  • Sharks will depsawn once far away or after a set amount of time
  • Lightweight
  • Clean Code

Coded by me, soley by me!

I hope you enjoy!

No longer can the criminals get away by swimming in the ocean, the oceans can never be safe again!

£6 GBP → https://extreme-gaming-uk.tebex.io/package/5029946

Preview Here → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNA_Q01VRPk

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 200+
Requirements ESX or QB-Core
Support Yes

Check out my other stuff! <3


Help. when I spawn in the shark it swin over to shore and stay it wont attack whts wrong with it. :sob:

Hey, make that sure that no other scripts or anticheat that handles peds or ped relation ships are modifying the sharks, if you cant find anything hit me up on discord, (the link is on my home tebex page) and ill give you a hand to ensure that the shark script is running flawlessly for you

make a standalone version and ill buy it rn

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The resource can be made standalone real easy, the only thing that hooks into a framework is the item, nothing else, if you do decide to purchase let me know it’ll take 1 edit to make it completely standalone

if i spawn sharks they not attack people, and if people in deep water they not comming to them to attack

Hey, so usually this would happen if you have a ped handler script or anticheat, to better debug this issue go onto my store and join my discord so we can screen share and get to the root of the issue

Same for me i just dont use it.

I always provide support and help, hop into my discord and we can squash the issue

Same Issue as everyone else, it just swims away and doesnt attack.

I’m having same issue

Did you find a fix

Yes, for one the creator was very helpful when i reached out and gave me ideas, but i also adjusted part of the code slightly which fixed.

As usual things you have running and script versions could also affect it.

Right now I just have basic qbcore installed by any chance could you help me with what u changed