[ESX/QB] Realistic Graffiti Script | Spray Graffiti Everywhere

RiP-Graffiti | Spray Graffiti Everywhere - YouTube

Elevate your graffiti experience in FiveM! Manage, customize, and interact with graffiti in a responsive and secure system.


  • Create and customize Design and personalize graffiti with a robust creation system
  • Save presets - Save graffiti designs with preview images for easy access
  • Draw and erase - Use an interactive canvas to draw and erase graffiti in real-time
  • Spray animations - Experience realistic spray can animations, including shaking effects
  • Cleaning system - Use items like acetone to clean graffiti effectively
  • Visual adaptability - Graffiti looks stunning in all weather conditions, times, and environments
  • Translations - Pre-configured for English, German, and French with the option to add your own language
  • High security - Implements secure systems for smooth server operations
  • Framework - Compatible with both ESX and QBCode frameworks
  • Design - Features a responsive and modern user interface



Get it now!


Other scripts:

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ±2000
Requirements None
Support Yes
1 Like

Looks good, Whats the ms?

Also whats different with yours than they others out there? Other i have used after more then 3 or 5 sprays in an area it desyncs or people have issues?

Hello :wave: Even with 10 or more graffiti in your sight the resmon is 0.0ms. We’re using methods allowing us this ultra realistic look and high performance at the same time

Is there a log system that shows who placed which spray??

Currently there is not, but we’re already working on a solution for improved safety. This could not only include a log system but also blacklisted image providers! Let me know what you think about that