[ESX/QB] 🛠️ Qubit's 3D Printer | Item Crafting

Qubit’s 3D Printer

Take item crafting to the next level with the Qubit 3D Printer.

🔧 What is Qubit's 3D Printer

The Qubit 3D Printer is an item production machine that uses a resin capable of printing metal, plastic, and rubber materials. You can place it anywhere you like—at home, in your warehouse, or outdoors. After placement, you can choose what you want to produce and start manufacturing. You control how long the production takes and how much material is used. You can lock the printer to prevent others from accessing it or leave it open for friends to use. However, be cautious; if the police detect that you are producing illegal items, they might seize your printer even if it is locked!

👀 How it's work

The printer must be in your inventory as an item. You can go to any location and start the setup process by selecting ‘Use.’ There is no upper limit to the number of printers you can place; you can set up as many as you want and produce items. The usage is quite simple.

✨ All details and features

  • Escrow Protection : This script is using Ecrow Protection system, source code is encrypted.

  • Material System: The printer requires Resin Mix and Battery to operate. These items decrease based on the requirements of the printed item each time you print something

  • Operational Controls: The printer operates entirely with environmental sound systems and effects. You can lock the printer, stop the process midway, and restart it through the management panel.

  • Easy Setup: Must be in your inventory as an item; you can start the setup process by going to any location and selecting ‘Use.’

  • Placement Limit: There is no upper limit to the number of printers you can place.

  • Production Time: Each product has its own specific material consumption and completion time. You can set the printing time of an item to be 1 minute or 10 days, it’s completely up to you. If the server restarts or crashes, the processes will continue from where they left off.

  • Access Control: You can lock the printer to prevent others from accessing it or leave it open for friends to use.

  • Police Access: If illegal item production is detected, the police may seize your printer even if it is locked.

  • Performance: The targeted resmon value during 15 printing operations is 0.08; performance
    improvements are continually being made.

  • Multilingual: Qubit 3D Printer features its own translation system independent of frameworks, with support for English, German, French, and Turkish."

Resmon Usage Detailed
  • Resmon 0.01 ~ 0.03 on 50 Active Printing ( 5 meters away from printers, resmon is low because rotate animation is stopped for optimization )
  • Resmon 0.20 ~ 0.38 on Active Printing ( Close Distance Only, because DrawText is consuming 0.20 value ) - DrawText disable option added, in menu statistic is released

NOTE: The desired and targeted resmon value during 15 printing operations is 0.08. Work is ongoing to improve this. Performance enhancements are a priority in upcoming updates, so please be aware of these resmon values when making your purchase.


🍀 Special Thanks

The 3D Printer model is produced by @BzZzi as a prop. This prop is not included in the script, and you can download and install the model from this forum link. This model is required for it to function.


Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2100+
Requirements QB / ESX / OX-TARGET / OX-LIB / bzZzi-3d-prop
Support Yes

This looks really amazing. However, would you consider adding in a feature where you need to use something like a programmed usb dongle or a blueprint for some items?

This has the potential to replace a lot of crafting systems, but with players able to craft anything with just resin and batteries makes it almost too easy to craft w/e they want. Adding an item condition and potentially a metadata check would be great.

For example, players would need to break into a server room, download crafting specs for high value parts from the mainframe and load them onto a usb. That usb could then be used with the 3d printer and after x amount of uses there is a chance for file corruption so they have to go do the heist again.

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In future versions, there will be different types of printers, categorized into higher quality and cheaper versions. Printing errors and print speed will vary based on the quality of these printers. As you mentioned, the idea of using a USB dongle-like item to enable the printing of special items is truly fantastic. I’m noting this as a suggestion, as it would indeed be great. Special printable items could be both tradable and usable across various printers through these USB dongles.

Thank you @gr.zzy :four_leaf_clover:

Once you push this update you’re talking about with all of these features, this is an EZ purchase for me. Good luck and please do let me know when you’ve released the update!


Of course, thanks :doughnut:

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My God, what a perfect script, I can’t wait to buy it, I really loved your script aesthetic :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: (an authentic person) :clap: :clap:

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ezgif.com-optimize (3)


UPDATE 1.1.0

  • Gizmo Object : support added you can easily place the printer wherever you want
  • Auto Storage : the items you print are automatically transferred to the printer’s storage once they are print finished. You can then access this storage to retrieve the items. ( only ox-inventory now )
  • DrawText disable option added
  • Monitor added for in-menu statistic display

Amazing update! Only thing I would ask is some protection to make sure players can’t phase this through collisions to hide them in ludicrous spots for power-gaming roleplay meta.

I prevented it from going under the ground or buried, it cannot be installed outside the green sphere area, but as you said, there is no collision control, it can be hidden in the wall or object, in the next update I will add collision block for Gizmo, thank you very much :doughnut:

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So no crafting table just resin and batteries?? Can I add different resins?

Yes, all materials are crafted from the same resin material. The blueprint system will be added for special item prints. You can determine how long it will take to print an item and how much material it will consume. For example, if you want to print something difficult, you can set the resin usage amount and the time to be high. Here’s a sample item configuration

["weapon_pistol"] = { -- Item Name
    title = "9mm Pistol", -- Menu Name
    description = "Start process of 3D object", -- Menu Description
    visual_value = "w_pi_pistol", -- Object Name
    printingTime = 120, -- Printing Seconds
    batteryConsumeRate = 1.0, -- This value determines how much resources will be consumed in 5 seconds.
    resinConsumeRate = 1.0, -- This value determines how much resources will be consumed in 5 seconds.



UPDATE 1.1.1

  • Category System : With the category system, all print files are organized into separate categories, making it easy for you to find the object you’re looking for.
  • Image Support : If the object you want to create doesn’t have a 3D model, you can use an image instead by adjusting the visual_type. You can use 500x500 images.

UPDATE 1.1.2

  • Gizmo Fix : Some customers has bugged in MLO with 3D Printer, this error causing z axes calculations, bug is fixed
  • Custom Prop Support : You can change printer prop on config ( Customer Suggestion )

UPDATE 1.1.3

  • Quantity Selection : You will now be able to produce in mass production mode. You can start the printing process by specifying how many units you need to print.
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UPDATE 1.1.4

  • Required System : With the Required system, you can make any item necessary for 3D printing. This could be a blueprint or a custom item that you have created.

Hello @gr.zzy ,

We implemented a system based on your idea and the common requests from all players. We introduced a flexible item requirement system, allowing players to create specific items, such as “m4a1_usb_dongle” or “m4a1_blueprint,” depending on the item they want to print. They can only produce the item if they possess the necessary items.

Here’s an example code block :

    -- Example Item
    ["digiscanner"] = { -- Item Name
        title = "Digi Scanner 4000", -- Menu Name
        description = "Example a reqiured item",  -- Menu Description
        visual_value = "w_am_digiscanner", -- "object name" or "image link" ( images need to be 500x500 )
        visual_value_type = "object",  -- "object" or "image",
        printingTime = 15, -- Printing Seconds
        batteryConsumeRate = 0.1, -- 1.0 > High Consume, 1.0 < Low Consume  
        resinConsumeRate = 0.1, -- 1.0 > High Consume, 1.0 < Low Consume
        requiredItem = { -- You can set required item for per printing
            ["phone_parts"] = { -- Item Name
                itemTitle = 'Phone Parts', -- Item Title
                requiredCount = 1, -- Required Item Count
                deleteItemAfterUsage = true, -- Delete Item on Inventory after usage (IMPORTANT: This settings blocks requiredCount because item is not deleting in printing / unlimited)
            ["radio_parts"] = {
                itemTitle = 'Radio Parts',  -- Item Name
                requiredCount = 1, -- Item Title
                deleteItemAfterUsage = false, -- Delete Item on Inventory after usage (IMPORTANT: This settings blocks requiredCount because item is not deleting in printing / unlimited)
            -- You can add more or remove
        category = "general" -- STL Category

If I can request one small change/addition:
Most crafting systems basically use blueprints ad infinitum. There is no means for a player to lose the blueprint.

Could you add an argument to the requiredItem elements to adjust durability by x amount?

If using ox_inventory, there is a setDurability export and you can use the createItem hook to adjust an items durability and set durability to 100% on creation of the item.

You could even go as far as to add an argument to insert crafted items with a degree of durability as well.

If you want an example, I might be able to whip up a rough example.

Thank you for taking the community’s feedback into consideration, and this last thing would really bring this resource home.

Once I clear my plate of my current developmental responsibilities, I will pick this up and implement this into our server, thank you very much!

I completely understand what you’re saying sir. Setting the durability percentage through the config so that a certain percentage of durability is deducted from the item with each use is a great idea.

Currently, it can be achieved with deleteItemAfterUsage. For example, if you set an item like “blueprint” with deleteItemAfterUsage = false, having just one in your inventory is enough, and you can use it infinitely for every print.

I’ve noted down your suggestions, and the durability idea is really good. Thank you very much for your ideas :doughnut:


UPDATE 1.1.6

  • Target System : qb-target support is added, target functions is open sourced, Instead of using target, you can now use something else
  • Weapon Asset Support : direct weapon stream RequestWeaponAsset is supported now in 3D Printer

Looks very cool, will be on my mind!

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