A script for enhancing criminal roleplay for people who race around in their cars. If you install a plate flipper, you can mask your plate by pressing a hotkey which is configurable. You can set jobs which can install the plate flipper using the item.
Note: This script replaces the North Yankton number plate with black texture.
Exports (if you would like to integrate the script with your radar script…)
isPlateHidden(vehicle) - Returns if the plate is hidden.
Hello! I have a problem! But i dont understand what is it! I use OX_inventory
I use your awesom script and i get this problem.
Can you help me how can i fix it?! Thanks for advance
Oh, I’m using ps-inventory. Is there a way I can edit the script to work with it? It’s basically a reskin of qb, but a bit outdated.
I’ve added the following code in the inventorys folder as a new file without replacing anything:
if GetResourceState("ps-inventory") ~= "started" then
function RemoveItem(source, item, amount)
return exports['ps-inventory']:RemoveItem(source, item, amount)
function AddItem(source, item, amount)
return exports['ps-inventory']:AddItem(source, item, amount)
It doesn’t give any errors, but it doesn’t take the flipper from me or let me use ‘J’ to use it. Is there anything I need to edit or update in the main files?
UPDATE: nvm lol i got it working i also made it so in the config there is a true/false if you want it to use jobs or not
Just replace the Job Check Function in server.lua with
function HasWhitelistedJob(playerId)
local jobName = GetPlayerJob(playerId)
local hasJob = false
if Config.UseJobs then
for _, job in pairs(Config.JobsAllowed) do
if job == jobName then
hasJob = true
-- If UseJobs is false, allow any job
hasJob = true
return hasJob
Great script, Only issue is trying to ad the WK Wars2x integration, i put the code that’s suppose to replace the standard and this error pops up into F8 console
I installed the script but when I install the plate it doesn’t give me a notification once I finish installing the plate and when I get in the vehicle I press my j key and it doesn’t change