[ESX/QB] [Paid] [SALE -33%] KExploration - Hide any place on map

[ESX/QB] KExploration - Hide any place on map

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KExploration is a simple FiveM script that allows server’s staff to hide any place on map. Players can discover that place and save it on map.

Why I you should use this script?

Most of RP servers have some hidden places like drugs, heists, dark shops etc. The problem is that players need to remember these place or take picture of it. This script can make it easier. You can still hide some places, but you can also add that place to this script. When player find place, he can “discover” it, and he will see that place on map. That place will be still hidden for another players, but people who found it, will see it on map.


  • Hide as many places as you want
  • Customizable blip icons, colors and labels
  • Customizable discover message
  • Nice discover animation
  • Data is saved in MySQL, so players can see discovered places even after rejoin
  • ESX / QB support
  • Ask NPCs for strange places



  • Configuration files are located in server/sv_config.yml
  • Language can be changed in shared/lang.lua
  • Locale files are located in locales folder
  • Please configure your framework and mysql type in fxmanifest.lua
  • Database table will be created automatically




You can buy script on Tebex for [$3] $2 + TAX

Code is accessible Only discover function is encrypted. Another files are accessible
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +/- 400
Requirements [ESX 1.2, ESX Legacy or QBCore], [MySQL Async or oxmysql]
Support Yes
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Update 24/09/2023

  • Added comments to sv_config.lua
  • Added option to rob NPCs. There is chance that NPCs have information about the nearest hidden place. He can mark area on map to search (configurable)

Preview update here

Do you want to add something to the script? Please let me know!

Check my other resources

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SALE -33%

Buy KExploration for $2