[ESX/QB][PAID] 🤿 AP Diving Script | Rent Gear, Explore, and Discover Hidden Loot in FiveM! #UnderwaterAdventure

:diving_mask: Dive into the Depths with AP Diving! :diving_mask:

Ready to add an exciting new underwater adventure to your server?
Looking for a script that takes your players on dynamic scuba diving missions with random loot events?
Introducing the AP Diving script a game changing feature that will bring realism and excitement to your FiveM server!

Get it Now on Tebex :moneybag: https://anxietypills.tebex.io/category/scripts

Core Features:

  • Fully Configurable Scuba Diving System: Adapt it to fit your server’s needs.
  • 89 Dynamic Random Drop Events: Configurable loot and locations make each dive unique.
  • Rentable Scuba Gear & Boats: Adjustable pricing for gear and boat rentals.
  • Realistic Animations & Timed Oxygen Supply: Create an immersive diving experience.
  • Customizable Drop Intervals & NPC Interaction: Seamless gameplay for your players.
  • Immersive Light Effects for Drop Locations: Visual enhancement for a more dynamic experience.
  • Dynamic Notifications for Dive Missions: Keep your players informed and engaged.
  • Compatible with New & Old ESX/QBCore: Works with all major frameworks.



:computer: Purchase on Tebex: https://anxietypills.tebex.io/category/scripts

AP UsablePC

AP Karaoke

AP Horses

AP Pimps

Code is accessible N/A
Subscription-based N/A
Lines (approximately) 1000+
Requirements ESX/QB
Support Yes