[ESX/QB/OX/STANDALONE] LB Phone - Advanced & performance friendly phone

You can use the SetPopUp export

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Hmm I can’t find the right export to use there. I don’t know exactly how this is supposed to work. Or how I could trigger an example popup in general.

By far the best looking phone. Good Work!

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What do you mean? The export I linked is used for pop-ups.

Yes, but how exactly do you do that… I don’t see any correct procedure… how do I make an example popup from another script for the phone…

Recently ran into an issue where the phone won’t open, and when we give ourselves a new phone or buy one, it creates a new table in Heidi and acts like it’s a brand new character instead of recognizing the current data. Any help with this?

Follow these steps: Common Issues – LB Phone

It sounds like you’ve set up unique phones; if so, this is how it’s intended to work. You can disable unique phones by setting Config.Item.Unique to false.

What are the suggested banner and profile image sizes for the birdy app?

Hey, with the Yellowpages how do we get post notifications to work, we want our city to be able to see when businesses and people post on yellowpages but it doesnt pop up on the homescreen or make sounds, its got the notification settings inside the phone but it doesnt function?

By default, the Pages app does not have any notifications. You can implement your own by listening to the lb-phone:pages:newPost event and using the SendNotification export.

we cant play youtube files ?

The music app requires you to configure each song manually, see Adding Music – LB Phone configuration.

You could create a custom app to play YouTube videos on the phone. Follow our guides for custom apps.

Hi, do you think you can add send location directly into the map app?

anyone else having a issue with the new release? f1 pops a error on client side.
all the same settings as before.

These errors indicate that you’ve misconfigured the framework part of the script. Make sure you have set it up correctly in the config.lua, and the framework files.

you are correct. i seen there was like 3 extra lines in the config so just copied each one of my settings in the config. Now i just used old file and bam working perfect. i appreciate the fast response. keep up the amazing work !!!

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Hi I have a problem, i have newest NVEs and when i take a photo in the phone, it is fully red

Photos being red is a known issue with NVE. The creators of NVE know about this and have said that they plan on fixing it in a future version.