[ESX/QB/OX] Jobs calls / Food delivery - Delivery missions for businesses, bars and restaurants

Creating side jobs/tasks for businesses, bars and restaurants that are not always busy or dependent on players.

Creating NPC deliveries where the business prepares the food and then delivers it. ( Food crafting is not included ).

This is just an extension and addition of deliveries for factions.

How does it work?

In config.lua you set the time how often ,NPCs" call and always randomly try a restaurant. If the restaurant is taking orders then their phone rings and the restaurant gets the order.

The restaurant prepares the food and then selects “Deliver” and the courier can go on his way.

You can set whether the money after delivery goes to the courier or to the restaurant + the tip always goes to the courier only.


  • Secured against triggers.
  • Server side based
  • Allows delivery for all jobs.
  • Editable positions of phones, deliveries.
  • Editable items for delivery.
  • Locales supported
  • All configurable


  • ox_target
  • ox_lib
  • xsounds


  • qb-manegement
  • ox_target
  • ox_lib
  • xsounds


  • ox_lib
  • society - Update please your society system in BRIDGE/server/framework.lua - AddSocietyMoney
  • xsounds

Inventory support: ox_inventory, quasar_inventory, ps_inventory / qb_inventory.

  • Download script from keymaster
  • Put script into your resource folder
  • Setup jobs / items in config.lua by your jobs on your server.
  • Restart server
  • Enjoy script

ESCROW: https://polisek-scripts.tebex.io/package/5853784
OPEN SOURCE: https://polisek-scripts.tebex.io/package/5973977

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 500+
Requirements ESX, ox_inventory, ox_target, ox_lib
Support Yes

OMG, THIS SCRIPT IS PERFECT. Will this ever be for qbcore?

is there a possibility you can expose the functions to change target and inventory? would love to use this but we use neither ox target or ox inventory we use fivem target and mf inventory

qbcore version pls

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QB Core ready.

Requirements : qb-management, ox_inventory, ox_lib

I dont use ox_inventory. Is the inventory part open souce so I can change it to qb myself?

this! most qb servers use either ps, lj or qb inventory

Open source Available

Open source : https://polisek-scripts.tebex.io/package/5973977

Update - 9.1.2024

Support framework: ESX, QB, OX
Support inventory: ox_inventory, quasar_inventory, ps_inventory/qb_inventory

If you using OX CORE: Please change your society system in BRIDGE/server/framework.lua - AddSocietyMoney

Bridge config: BRIDGE/config.lua