[ESX][QB] MFP_JobDuty - on & off duty system | NativeUI


:man_police_officer: Introducing the JobDuty System for Your Roleplay Server! :ambulance:

Hey everyone,

I’m thrilled to present my JobDuty system, the perfect addition to your roleplay server, offering seamless duty management for various roles. Enhance your RP experience today!

:rocket: Get the script here: mfp.tebex.io/package/5732377

:star2: Special Features:

  • :calling: Native UI Design for a smooth experience
  • :busts_in_silhouette: User-friendly with easy usability
  • :police_car: Pre-configured for Police, Ambulance & Bennys
    :heavy_plus_sign: Add more jobs easily!
  • :gear: Fully configurable to suit your server needs
  • :hourglass_flowing_sand: Quick On/Off Duty with just 2 clicks
  • :moneybag: Custom payouts with separate duty/off-duty job listings
  • :rotating_light: Cheater warnings included
  • :loudspeaker: Discord Webhooks for instant notifications
  • :robot: NPC interactions for a more immersive experience

:earth_africa: Translations:

  • :uk: English
  • :de: German

:wrench: Frameworks Supported:

  • ESX
  • QBCore

:movie_camera: Showcase Video:

Watch it here!

:hammer_and_wrench: Installation:

  1. Place the script in your resources folder.
  2. Import the DB file.
  3. Complete the setup by adding it to your server.cfg.
  4. That’s it—have fun! :tada:
📋 Requirements

NativeUI / NativeUIReloaded

⚓️ Regarding Escrow

This script is managed through the FiveM Keymaster.
Regarding this we paid the highest attention to the opportunity that everybody can simply modify everything without any encryption.
For this matter we only included about some unimportant lines of code, which never have to be modified and can’t cause any problems into the escrow file. So I can promise 100% that you will never even notice this protection, when you aren’t willed to leak the script.

Visit our new Website: mfpscripts.com
Scripts still available via Tebex

Check out my other scripts!
[ESX] MFP_Scrapyard
[ESX] MFP_Weaponshop
[ESX] MFP_Banking - Bankingsystem with robbery & ATMs
[ESX] MFP_PhoneBattery - phone battery for every phone script
[ESX] MFP_Extremesportshop

Code is accessible 95%
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 120
Requirements ESX, NativeUI
Support Yes

Hello, according to fivem releases rules, you must provide another direct download link for your free resource :slight_smile:

Hey, it’s not free. Just a tipping-fail when setup topic. Is now updated. Thanks for let me know!

Simple, nice script!

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when im off duty its a new job?

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Yeah that’s right. To disable jobmenus, access to other scripts… same jobgrades…
Best Wishes!

Work the Script with Jacksam Jobcreator or not? and Esx 1.9 New? and can i add more Jobs?

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The script should work, but the exact same jobgrades must be created with offYOURJOBNAME.

(So on each gradename:officer at jobname:police jobgrade:1 comes gradename:officer at jobname:offpolice jobgrade:1 comes).

Yes, the script Support the newest version of esx.

You can add multiple jobs. The included readme says how. It requires copy & past in the script, but is simple. There is currently configuration for bennys, police & ambulance.

Kind regards

JobDuty v1.1


  • added QBCore support
  • minor fixes of menu to more stable with talking while menu open with all voicechats