[ESX/QB] Infinity - Courier job

Infinity Courier Job | FiveM



  • Language Settings: The configuration allows to select their preferred language (English, Spanish, French, Russian, Chinese).
  • Inventory Images: The “UseOXInventoryImages” option indicates that players can choose between images from the ox inventory or use images within the script.
  • Delivery Points and Rewards: The script includes numerous different delivery points and locations, each with varying payments. This adds diversity and excitement to courier work, as players must deliver packages to different locations.
  • Vehicle Management: Built-in package section, opening with animation and package inventory.
  • Custom Notifications: The “Notify” section allows to add custom notifications.
  • Props: The vehicles are loaded with packages, not just empty cargo space.


Config = {
	Language = "en", -- en/es/fr/ru/zh

	UseOXInventoryImages = false, -- If you want to use images from the ox inventory, set it to true; if you prefer using them within the script, then drag your images into the 'images' folder.

	WhenTrunkOpenBlurBackground = true, -- If the trunk is open, then the background be blurred.

	DeviceOpenKey = "J", -- The key with which you open the device.

	Job = {
		Use = false, -- Set its value to false if you do not want to associate it with job.
		Name = "courier", -- Job name

	Randomize = 6, -- How much address to randomize when job started.

	Blip = {
		Use = true,
		Label = "Courier Station",
		Coords = vector3(132.2542, 95.1386, 83.5075),
		Settings = {
			Sprite = 351,
			Scale = 1.5,
			Color = 47,

	Indicator = { -- Indicator appearing above the vehicle to guide players where to go.
		Use = true, -- Enable/disable
		Customization = {
			Size = { x = 1.2, y = 1.2, z = 1.2 }, -- Marker size
			Color = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 0 }, -- Marker Color
			Type = 2, -- Marker Type

	-- Job coords
	Coords = {
		-- Take job
		TakeJob = {
			Coords = vector3(135.5541, 94.1809, 82.5076), -- Ped coords
			Heading = 63.8410, -- Ped heading
			PedModel = "a_m_y_golfer_01", -- Ped model
		-- Vehicle operations
		Vehicle = {
			Spawn = { -- Spawn Vehicle
				Model = "mule", -- Vehicle model
				Coords = vector3(121.2174, 92.1682, 81.4363), -- Spawn coords
				Heading = 251.3624, -- Spawn heading
			Delete = { -- Delete vehicle
				Use = true, -- If it's enabled, you need to deliver the vehicle; otherwise, it will be automatically deleted when the job ends.
				Distance = 6.0, -- The vehicle can be returned from this distance.
				Coords = vector3(117.2360, 98.4278, 80.377), -- Delete coords
				Marker = { -- Marker options
					Size = { x = 2.0, y = 2.0, z = 2.0 }, -- Marker size
					Color = { r = 255, g = 0, b = 0 }, -- Marker color
					Type = 6, -- Marker type

	-- Delivery Positions
	Locations = {
			Name = " Olivia Christin", -- Person name
			Address = "25. Nikola Avenue", -- Address name
			Ped = {
				Model = "a_f_y_fitness_02", -- Ped model
				Coords = vector3(-53.7107, -1785.5995, 26.8458), -- Ped coords
				Heading = 137.1101, -- Ped heading
			Package = {
				Name = "Laptop",
				ImageName = "laptop.png",
			Payment = math.random(100, 200),
			Name = "Thomas Jhonson",
			Address = "21. Grove Street",
			Ped = {
				Model = "a_m_m_socenlat_01",
				Coords = vector3(87.8385, -1954.1235, 19.7459),
				Heading = 316.6837,
			Package = {
				Name = "Radio",
				ImageName = "radio.png",
			Payment = math.random(100, 200),
			Name = "Carlos Jonathan",
			Address = "12. Adam Street",
			Ped = {
				Model = "a_m_m_socenlat_01",
				Coords = vector3(295.3703, -1095.6497, 28.4040),
				Heading = 277.3375,
			Package = {
				Name = "Phone",
				ImageName = "phone.png",
			Payment = math.random(100, 200),
			Name = "Charlotte Elizabeth Turner",
			Address = "7. Davis Avenue",
			Ped = {
				Model = "a_f_y_fitness_02",
				Coords = vector3(407.9573, -1481.6782, 28.2916),
				Heading = 32.8307,
			Package = {
				Name = "Headphones",
				ImageName = "headphones.png",
			Payment = math.random(100, 200),
			Name = "Thomas Clark",
			Address = "23. Forum Drive",
			Ped = {
				Model = "a_m_m_socenlat_01",
				Coords = vector3(-38.6325, -1454.7064, 30.4959),
				Heading = 183.7088,
			Package = {
				Name = "VR",
				ImageName = "vr.png",
			Payment = math.random(100, 200),
			Name = "George Martin",
			Address = "7. Forum Drive",
			Ped = {
				Model = "a_m_m_socenlat_01",
				Coords = vector3(-102.6835, -1492.9600, 32.5546),
				Heading = 231.3547,
			Package = {
				Name = "CD",
				ImageName = "cd.png",
			Payment = math.random(100, 200),
			Name = "Victoria Wright",
			Address = "41. Adam Street",
			Ped = {
				Model = "a_f_y_fitness_02",
				Coords = vector3(337.7296, -1030.8644, 28.3184),
				Heading = 176.1217,
			Package = {
				Name = "Phone Case",
				ImageName = "case.png",
			Payment = math.random(100, 200),
			Name = "Isabella Ruby Wilson",
			Address = "32. Merry Street",
			Ped = {
				Model = "a_f_y_fitness_02",
				Coords = vector3(1002.4416, -593.3563, 58.2354),
				Heading = 267.1102,
			Package = {
				Name = "Books",
				ImageName = "books.png",
			Payment = math.random(100, 200),
			Name = "Sophia Lily Thompson",
			Address = "21. Merry Street",
			Ped = {
				Model = "a_f_y_fitness_02",
				Coords = vector3(960.7936, -594.0297, 58.4892),
				Heading = 31.1326,
			Package = {
				Name = "PS4",
				ImageName = "ps4.png",
			Payment = math.random(100, 200),
			Name = "James Alexander Brown",
			Address = "56. Power Street",
			Ped = {
				Model = "a_m_m_socenlat_01",
				Coords = vector3(57.0656, 454.0237, 145.7540),
				Heading = 20.4552,
			Package = {
				Name = "Xbox 360",
				ImageName = "xbox360.png",
			Payment = math.random(100, 200),
			Name = "James Williams",
			Address = "87. Adam Street",
			Ped = {
				Model = "a_m_m_socenlat_01",
				Coords = vector3(373.3036, -1071.2253, 28.4725),
				Heading = 9.52,
			Package = {
				Name = "Sreet Fighter 6",
				ImageName = "streetfighter.png",
			Payment = math.random(100, 200),

	-- Customize notifications
	Notify = {
		UseCustom = true,
		Custom = function(message, id)
			if not IsDuplicityVersion() then
				-- Client side
				exports["infinity_notify"]:sendNotify("server", message, 8)
				-- Server Side
				TriggerClientEvent("infinity:notify", id, "server", message, 8)

	PackagesInTruck = {
		Use = true,
		Packages = {
				Object = "hei_prop_drug_statue_box_big",
				Position = vector3(0, 0.0, 0),
				Object = "hei_prop_drug_statue_box_big",
				Position = vector3(0.0, -1.5, 0.0),
				Object = "hei_prop_drug_statue_box_big",
				Position = vector3(0.0, -2.5, 0.0),


Purchase (20 USD)

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 6000
Support Yes (Discord)
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