[esx][qb] gx_dvall auto remove vehicles!



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U can edit styles and positions!! EXAMPLES:


You can create your own style!

Config = {

Framework = "auto", -- 'auto'/'esx'/'qb'

Notify = "ox_lib", -- "ox_lib", "esx", "qb", "custom"

Staff = {
    Command = 'dvall',
    Group = {'admin', 'mod'} -- "none" | u group!

sound = {
    start_sound = {
        sound = 'start_sound.mp3', -- "none" | "start_sound.mp3"
        volume = 0.2, -- recommend 0.2 | Volume min 0.1 max 0.5
    end_sound = {
        sound = 'end_sound.mp3', -- "none" | "end_sound.mp3"
        volume = 0.2, -- recommend 0.2 | Volume min 0.1 max 0.5

nui = {
    style = "style3", -- "style1", "style2", "style3", "style4", "style5" 
    color = "pink", -- "red", "blue", "pink", "green", "dark", "white" 
    position = "middleRight", -- "center", "topLeft", "topRight", "middleLeft", "middleRight", "bottomLeft", "bottomRight", "topCenter", "bottomCenter"
    logo = 'https://images.emojiterra.com/google/noto-emoji/animated-emoji/1f6a8.gif', -- logo.png(u add image in web/assets/"here") or URL
    tittle = 'GX TEAM DEVELOPMENT',
    description = 'The crane is on the way!!',

clear_nui = {
    logo = 'https://media.tenor.com/AWKzZ19awFYAAAAi/checkmark-transparent.gif', -- logo.png(u add image in web/assets/"here") or URL
    description = 'All vehicles were removed.',
    clear_sound = {
        sound = 'clear_sound.mp3', -- "none" | "end_sound.mp3"
        volume = 0.2, -- recommend 0.2 | Volume min 0.1 max 0.5

auto = {
    DeleteVehicleTimer = 1, -- Time (in minutes) that it will take to delete vehicles since you execute automatic
    time = {'00:45', '15:44', '7:00'} -- u add more! time for delete vehicles automatic!

RemoveCarsInSafeZone = false, --   true | false   -- Remove Vehicles in SafeZone ?|
safezone = {
    blipshow = true,
    blipstyle = {
        color = 2, -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/#blip-colors
        degraded = 64,
    zone = {
        {coord = vec3(-319.5774, -901.4604, 31.6051), radius = 50.0},
        --{coord = vec3(248.5390, -1179.6720, 29.4189), radius = 50.0},
        -- u can add more!


Easy configuration!

About the script: This script offers a comprehensive solution to automatically delete unused vehicles on your FiveM server. It is fully compatible with ESX/QB, with extensive configuration options for complete customization. It can activate, deactivate and optionally remove vehicles in an automated and seamless manner, ensuring optimal performance. The script has been completely redesigned to provide a modern interface, ideal for servers looking for efficiency for users.

Details: gx_dvall
• Framework (ESX/QBCore)
• Configuration Complet and Simple!
• Redesign customizable!
• Command configurable!
• Permission by groups for command!!
• U can add Gifs, png, urls, sounds and more!
• U can remove or add more sounds!
• U can configuration volume and sound!
• U can add safe zones to prevent area deletion.
• U can add multiple automatic times for vehicle remove!
• U can edit the timer for vehicle elimination!
• U can change position of Interface graphic.
• Support 24/7!


• Discord Webhook Log


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nice work

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