[esx/qb] dealership

Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yB1XFzrxhMs&t=20s&ab_channel=SilvaGi

Documentation: https://silvagii.gitbook.io/dealership

  • The script is compatible with QB and ESX
  • Translation Available
  • NUI Available
  • Easy installation
  • Editable Config
    | | |
    | Code is accessible | Yes/No |
    | Subscription-based | No |
    | Lines (approximately) | 1000 |
    | Requirements | okokTextUI |
    | Support | Yes |
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It looks like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFCrrrV1Zxw


onde é que eu já vi isto :rofl: é que nem os nomes trocas :crazy_face:

I did as much as possible like this but with all the errors corrected and all the bugs fixed

Trocar o nome para quê? Se eu próprio fiz o script o mais idêntico possível !

Show the front end code

What type of code? which file?


Bro, just buy the script and have full access to the basic script, have a good day!

I will not buy a script from another creator from you, thank you