_4p = {
Framework = "esx", -- esx, qbcore, custom
lang = "de",
spawning_zones = {
los_santos = {
prop_type = "halloween", -- Prop Type (configurable in prop_types)
coords = vector3(-1274.9927, -1274.9646, 3.5710), -- Coords where the prop can spawn (Middle Point of the Circle)
radius = 500.0, -- In which radius the prop can spawn
spawn_time_between = 1 --[[ Wait time between prop spawns in Minutes ]] * 60000,
spawn_limit = 3, -- How many props can be existing at the same time
loot_table = {
{type = "money", min = 100, max = 500},
{type = "item", item = "water", amount = 1},
{type = "weapon", weapon = "weapon_pistol", ammo = 12},
{type = "money", min = 50, max = 200},
{type = "item", item = "bread", amount = math.random(1, 3)},
prop_types = {
["christmas"] = {
prop_name = "prop_xmas_tree_int", -- Prop name
img = "img/christmas.png", -- Image path
radial_gradient_color = {
start = "#FF0000",
stop = "#250000",
title = "A NEW",
subtitle = "CHRISTMAS TREE",
description = "A new Christmas tree has appeared! Hurry up and interact with it to get a gift!",
["halloween"] = {
prop_name = "prop_veg_crop_03_pump", -- Prop name
img = "img/halloween.png", -- Image path
radial_gradient_color = {
start = "#ff3c00",
stop = "#250c00",
title = "A NEW",
subtitle = "PUMPKIN",
description = "A new pumpkin has appeared! Hurry up and interact with it to get a gift!",
["easter"] = {
prop_name = "prop_alien_egg_01", -- Prop name
img = "img/easter.png", -- Image path
radial_gradient_color = {
start = "#6299FF",
stop = "#8ED0FF",
title = "A NEW",
subtitle = "EASTER EGG",
description = "A new Easter egg has appeared! Hurry up and interact with it to get a gift!",
createNotify = function(self, playerID, title, message, notify_type)
-- Server-side notification
if IsDuplicityVersion() then
if self.Framework == "esx" then
TriggerClientEvent("esx:showNotification", playerID, message)
elseif self.Framework == "qbcore" then
TriggerClientEvent("QBCore:Notify", playerID, message)
print("^1[4p-proprewards] ^3Custom framework detected. Add a custom notification function in config.lua^7")
-- Client-side notification
if self.Framework == "esx" then
elseif self.Framework == "qbcore" then
print("^1[4p-proprewards] ^3Custom framework detected. Add a custom notification function in config.lua^7")
_4p.language = {
["en"] = {
["money_title"] = "You found money!",
["money_message"] = "You found %s$!",
["item_title"] = "You found an item!",
["item_message"] = "You found %s %s!",
["weapon_title"] = "You found a weapon!",
["weapon_message"] = "You found a %s with %s ammo!",
["de"] = {
["money_title"] = "Du hast Geld gefunden!",
["money_message"] = "Du hast %s$ gefunden!",
["item_title"] = "Du hast ein Item gefunden!",
["item_message"] = "Du hast %s %s gefunden!",
["weapon_title"] = "Du hast eine Waffe gefunden!",
["weapon_message"] = "Du hast eine %s mit %s Munition gefunden!",
If you’re experiencing any issues, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered. Just open a ticket in our Discord, and our team will work hard to assist you.
Key Features:
🡂 Add any prop you want into the config
🡂 3D Draw in the middle of the prop instead of “E to interact” (Customizable Color and icon!)
🡂 Customize the loot for each prop
🡂 Customize the notify for each prop
🡂 Notification sound effect (can also be replaced)
🡂 use it for any event you want!
Code is accessible | 50% |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 300 |
Requirements | ESX or QB-Core or Custom Framework |
Support | Yes |