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If you know some other free gps-scripts, you may noticed their performance is everything, but not good. We did a new gps script with the best performance possible!
_4p = {
--[[ Framework: Define the framework in use for this script.
- "esx": For ESX framework
- "qbcore": For QBCore framework
- "custom": For custom frameworks (requires custom notification functions)
Framework = "esx",
-- item_name: The name of the GPS item in the game, which players use to enable or disable GPS.
item_name = "gps",
-- disabled_jobs: A list of job names that are not allowed to use the GPS.
-- Players with jobs listed here will receive a notification that GPS use is restricted.
disabled_jobs = {"unemployed"},
-- events: Specifies critical events needed for the GPS system to function properly in the selected framework.
events = {
-- onPlayerLoaded: Event triggered when a player has fully loaded. Used to cache the player's job.
onPlayerLoaded = "esx:playerLoaded",
-- setJob: Event triggered when a player’s job changes, allowing the script to update the player's GPS access.
setJob = "esx:setJob",
-- deathEvent: Event triggered when a player dies, used to automatically disable GPS upon death.
deathEvent = "esx:onPlayerDeath"
-- lang: Sets the language of the GPS notifications. Default is "en" (English).
lang = "en",
--[[ createNotify: Function to send notifications to players based on the framework.
- playerID: The ID of the player receiving the notification.
- title: Title of the notification.
- message: Content/message of the notification.
- notify_type: Type of notification (e.g., success, error).
createNotify = function(self, playerID, title, message, notify_type)
-- Server-side notification
if IsDuplicityVersion() then
if self.Framework == "esx" then
TriggerClientEvent("esx:showNotification", playerID, message)
elseif self.Framework == "qbcore" then
TriggerClientEvent("QBCore:Notify", playerID, message)
print("^1[4p-gps] ^3Custom framework detected. Add a custom notification function in config.lua^7")
-- Client-side notification
if self.Framework == "esx" then
elseif self.Framework == "qbcore" then
print("^1[4p-gps] ^3Custom framework detected. Add a custom notification function in config.lua^7")
--[[ _4p.language: Defines the notifications in multiple languages.
Available translations:
- "not_allowed": Message shown when a player is not permitted to use the GPS.
- "enabled_gps": Message shown when a player successfully enables GPS.
- "disabled_gps": Message shown when a player disables GPS.
- "notificationtitle": Title for GPS-related notifications.
_4p.language = {
["en"] = {
not_allowed = "You are not allowed to use GPS",
enabled_gps = "You have enabled your GPS for your faction.",
disabled_gps = "You have disabled your GPS for your faction.",
notificationtitle = "GPS System",
["de"] = {
not_allowed = "Du darfst kein GPS benutzen",
enabled_gps = "Du hast dein GPS für deine Fraktion aktiviert.",
disabled_gps = "Du hast dein GPS für deine Fraktion deaktiviert.",
notificationtitle = "GPS-System",
["fr"] = {
not_allowed = "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à utiliser le GPS",
enabled_gps = "Vous avez activé votre GPS pour votre faction.",
disabled_gps = "Vous avez désactivé votre GPS pour votre faction.",
notificationtitle = "Système GPS",
["es"] = {
not_allowed = "No tienes permitido usar el GPS",
enabled_gps = "Has activado tu GPS para tu facción.",
disabled_gps = "Has desactivado tu GPS para tu facción.",
notificationtitle = "Sistema de GPS",
["pt"] = {
not_allowed = "Você não tem permissão para usar o GPS",
enabled_gps = "Você ativou seu GPS para sua facção.",
disabled_gps = "Você desativou seu GPS para sua facção.",
notificationtitle = "Sistema de GPS",
["it"] = {
not_allowed = "Non sei autorizzato a utilizzare il GPS",
enabled_gps = "Hai attivato il tuo GPS per la tua fazione.",
disabled_gps = "Hai disattivato il tuo GPS per la tua fazione.",
notificationtitle = "Sistema GPS",
["ru"] = {
not_allowed = "Вам запрещено использовать GPS",
enabled_gps = "Вы включили свой GPS для вашей фракции.",
disabled_gps = "Вы отключили свой GPS для вашей фракции.",
notificationtitle = "Система GPS",
["pl"] = {
not_allowed = "Nie masz uprawnień do korzystania z GPS",
enabled_gps = "Włączyłeś GPS dla swojej frakcji.",
disabled_gps = "Wyłączyłeś GPS dla swojej frakcji.",
notificationtitle = "System GPS",
Key Features:
🡂 Job-Based Access Control: Configure which jobs can access GPS functionality, allowing only specific roles to use it.
🡂 Automatic GPS Toggle: Players can activate or deactivate GPS for their job or faction, receiving notifications of status changes.
🡂 Realistic Roleplay Integration: GPS will automatically disable upon player death, adding a layer of immersion to the experience.
🡂 Multilingual Support: Choose from a variety of pre-set languages to ensure the script fits your server’s player base.
🡂 Simple Setup: Easily configure and integrate this GPS system with any FiveM server setup, whether you’re using ESX, QBCore, or a custom framework.
Code is accessible | Yes |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 200 |
Requirements | ESX or QB-Core or Custom Framework |
Support | Yes |