[ESX/QB-CORE] Job Center System - [OX]

[ESX/QB-CORE] Job Center System - [OX] - Full Configurable

Hello, today I’m presenting my new Job Center System. This job was created entirely with ox_lib menus. In the configuration you can configure absolutely EVERYTHING (notifications, position, ped, texts, menu…). The script is optimized to the maximum, 0.00ms when not in use and 0.01ms when in use. I hope you like it.

Preview : YouTube

Buy :

Optimisation :

Features :

  • Compatible ESX & QB-Core
  • 3 default jobs (Lumberjack, Miner and Trucker) (More jobs to come with updates)
  • Menu created entirely from ox_lib
  • Configurable notifications
  • Taking/leaving Duty
  • Compatible with your own interim jobs

Dependencies :

  • ox_lib
  • ox_target

| Code is accessible | No |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | +1600 lines |
| Requirements | ox_lib / ox_target |
| Support | Yes (discord)


20€ for this? Its literally an default esx script converted to ox lib menus, i mean good work but should definitely not be paid; theres rules about releasing and quality,

Id suggest you to release this as a free script or 5€ max, otherwise ill just make one and release for free tonight, since its 10 min of work!

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We need to stop this bullshit with releasing stuff like this for an absurd price. And ill gladly start this with making it free

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Hello, first of all, everyone decides to take out the work they find just for themselves. Then to say that this is ESX defaut transformed into ox_lib is heartbreaking.
If you want to release it as a free version, you’ve got a lot of time to waste, but if I don’t like my script, people won’t buy it and that’s the end of it. But to discriminate against someone on the basis of the work they’ve done in order to belittle them is pretty low-minded.

Especially since I’ve noticed that you do this on several designer topics. You really have a lot of time to waste, and you’ve never created anything…

You need to rethink, everything isn’t about money, even tho this community has made it that way, now days everyone posts their 100-300 line of code scripts for 20-30 bucks, even tho they meet no standards of being paid!

My comment which I wrote a lot more in is pending review btw

You is the definition of what’s wrong with todays fivem community, I didn’t trash talk you or your script, I criticized it.

I’m sure that the good part of the community will stand behind me and my thoughts about changing the norm or releasing simple scripts as paid.

And just since my other comment is pending I’ll tell you here as well, I’ve done a lot of work, some which is paid. But none of my work that’s paid is 2-300 lines

please comment on my scripts too, i need exposure

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I’m not trash talking your script mate, I’m saying you’ve done a good job, just that this doesn’t fit the paid script standard, and neither does the other scripts I’ve commented on,

There’s a standard that should be followed when posting paid scripts on here, in the terms and faq there’s even a part about quality, that informs about posting 15 min scripts paid,

And no I won’t waste a lot of time, I’m sure I can do it within 30 min or less.

And the fact you’re stating I haven’t done anything? You’re wrong there feel free to send me an dm and I will shoot you an invite to my discord where you can preview my paid scripts (which is of high quality and 2-3k lines, only reason they’re paid) or I can send my GitHub which I have posted scripts like yours for free (because they’re simple and has 2-300 lines of code)

I can see that, except that if you read the whole forum, my script code has 1600 lines of code, which is a long way from what it says. If the work I’ve done isn’t valued, I won’t buy it. It’s up to the customer to decide whether or not the script suits him. Maybe some people will find the price very high for a complex script, and others will find it a bit expensive for a complex script. Everyone has their own vision of things, but I don’t think it’s fair to criticize it.

Personally, there are far worse things out there. I’ve seen designers copy/paste scripts or transform them into ox_lib at exorbitant prices.

I’d just ask you to show a minimum of respect for the work you’ve done, and if you don’t like it, maybe others will.

(The video doesn’t show everything on the script, there must be 1 third shown).

Like I’ve said, I haven’t trash talked your script in anyway, I’m giving criticism, and say it doesn’t fit the quality or standard of a paid script. Maybe it’s the standard now days, but not the standard the community or anyone wants

Nothing you’ve just said has anything to do with my point, my point is to change the stupid ass norm that every shitty script should be paid

I think there should be some quality and standard check before stuff like this can be posted, even tho there’s already a faq for it, and common sense

Sure it’s a lot way worse stuff posted on here than yours, way worse, and same thing goes for them.

Personally, I don’t charge for ALL my scripts, only the ones that I consider to be advanced and time-consuming. And don’t worry, I can see that some of my scripts don’t interest anyone because I don’t make many sales. But that’s how it is, people like it or not :wink:

Thank you all the same for your review, which made me realize that there are certain things I should or should not publish.

Why are you dogging other people on this account when your original account is termed for stealing other peoples content @WeziCoding

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good job !

Pretty good. I like it. Good job!

Good job !