It can be used for a lot of good RP purposes. e.g: A store owner or mechanic who makes announcements about sales, special deals or that they are currently hiring…etc
Is this script standalone?
It is by default not standalone, but I can help you make it a standalone script in just a minute by commenting some lines.
Not really, there’s plenty of scripts that apply text to surfaces and it doesn’t move/rotate, such as rcore spray and scenes too, but not sure on how technically hard it would be
Yes, that’s why I said it’s “kinda” impossible.
Because how my script works right now ( with adding text ) will make it unbelievably hard to achieve that with the DrawScaleformMovie method that those scripts most certainly made use of to create graffitis and custom text that sticks to objects and walls.
Merci infiniment @Zone2Game_Community !
I don’t think we’re allowed to speak French on this forum so I will have to reply in English although I speak French fluently
The price is quite fair in my honest opinion, knowing that this script took me several days of coding and many days of research in order to find the most accurate and efficient way of achieving stuff. For example: running this script at 0.00ms at all times while having 100+ boards in the map!
Optimization in both the client/server side are becoming really rare in this forum, people just want to up-sell their scripts and a lot of people don’t even support their customers. ( I know that because I work in Fiverr and I have a lot of people coming to me to fix/optimize stuff they already bought and they didn’t receive support for ).
With that being said, I’ll be more than welcome to offer you a discounted price on this script. Join my discord or send me a DM here and we’ll continue from there.